Baby, it's DAMN COLD outside!

Jan 04, 2010 11:15

Usually on Monday mornings, I'm out the door and at the food pantry around 8-ish. Not today! The thought of getting out of my fairly cozy bed was vetoed at 7:45...I didn't get up til 9 and headed over to the Island. I reckon I got there about 9:30, and since they close at 10:30 and there wasn't that much traffic, I got *two* packages of cherry tomatoes, and was told to help myself to as much bread as I wanted. I grabbed a loaf of onion rye, but I haven't room to store more, so that was that. They sometimes have "expired" soda---I was given THREE two-liter bottles of diet Pepsi (Best by JUN09)---which will help me avoid decaffination for a little longer.

I'm now trying to figure out what to DO with my largesse. That's a lot of cherry tomatoes, for one thing. I'm thinking soup. I have a mega-crockpot, and am toying with the idea of throwing a bunch of stuff into that. The tomatoes, the rest of those green onions, maybe a can of corn for some contrast...I have a whole bag of Great Northern beans...I could probably eat soup for a week, if I was so inclined...or freeze it for later consumption. (I WILL get the hang of this "home cooking" thing, I will, I will!)

To give you an idea of how cold it is, there was ice in some standing water at 10AM this morning. Yes, we've had an actual freeze! Wtf, Florida?!

weather, cooking, food

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