Feeling relaxed and festive

Dec 22, 2009 20:00

Today warmed up nicely, and Red and I have made plans for Saturday---I'm meeting her at the Rave theaters at 1:20 and we're going to see Sherlock Holmes! Woohoo! I just hope she isn't serious about sitting in the back row....

I had a fun afternoon baking cookies with J. Also took a shower over there, which was absolute HEAVEN: Her water pressure is awesome, she's got a shower-chair that allowed me to shave my legs in comfort, there were sturdy grab-bars everywhere and I've decided if I ever get to build my own house, I want a bathroom just like it.

She and I have exchanged gifts already---I gave her two still-sealed reams of printer paper, and she gave me...a printer. (A good one, too---it's an HP, and we spent 20 minutes exchanging stories of printers past.) Yes, I do still have paper---HWSNBN left most of a carton behind; I still have one more full ream and a partial left, not to mention some colored paper of my own.

Most of my gifting is taken care of already. Thanks to my caffeine addiction, I had a shitload of Coke Rewards points, so quite a few people got magazine subscriptions. (What's cool about that is, it doesn't cost me any actual cash, I don't have to mail anything, and the recipients will think of me everytime they get a fresh issue. Win-win!) And I still have points left. Most of the gals from CUUPs got bling of one kind or another--- another cost-effective gift, considering my craftiness.

I had some bean soup and a few cookies today, and that's all. I think I'm gonna grab some dinner now. TTFN.


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