2.000th post -- 4th LJ anniversary -- Happy Halloween!

Oct 31, 2009 16:30

Set off the fireworks, fling the confetti, cue the acrobats! This is my 2000th LJ post, and today is my 4th anniversary here. Woohoo! Good times!

In the spirit of having something to celebrate, let me invite you all to visit The 4th Annual Come as You're Not Party, a ficathon produced by the indefatigable karaokegal, with lots of fandoms represented and fresh stories from a bunch of fine authors (including a schmoopy Leverage fic from yours truly).

It's a beautiful day, the weather is warm without roasting, and I'm feeling chipper despite the back still not being a happy camper. I had an email this morning from ang5fam, who announced she was off to do some thrifting. This sounded like such a good idea that I hustled into some clothes and hit the road myself. I started the day with $9 cash and came back with folding money (so I have something for the collection plate tomorrow)---but I did put $10 on my debit card.

The first place I went to was the St Vincent dePaul on 520---they're fairly new and I've been wanting to check them out---there was nothing amazing; the don't separate plus sizes, didn't have any aluminum or anything else I collect, but I picked up a couple of newish pot holders and wash cloths for cheap, namely a buck and a half.

Then, since I was in the neighborhood, I wandered into the Sharing Center. It wouldn't have been so bad if I hadn't fallen in love with the hat---it's navy, very High Church, and I have a dark blue silk blouse that I picked up over the summer that it will compliment beautifully. It was $10, and they threw in the copy of Belle Armoire I found.

I meandered out to their furniture barn and discovered a sweet little area rug---4'x 6' in Neapolitan colors: pink and white flowers (with a smidge of green trim) on a chocolate background. For $5, I was not going to pass that up! Since my bedroom has brown walls for the time being, I figure it'll work in there---I'm planning to put it in front of the closet door---and when I get the other two rooms swapped around, it can go into the library, probably under my desk to keep my feet warm.

Total for the day was about $18 and not much gas to speak of. I'm contemplating my ensemble for tomorrow---the hat, the blouse, a scarf that will add a note of color, paired with some winter white pants that I really ought to try to wear more before they get too big for me.

Happy Halloween A splended Samhain to you, my darlings! Blessed be.

halloween, thrifting, samhain, anniversary, hat, fic

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