An expedition to scale the Matterhorn requires less planning....

Oct 07, 2009 16:32

Now for the fun part...packing. Trying to figure out what to include for four days, three nights and a $#&%ing wedding. This means, whatever I wear to the airport tomorrow (followed by the 3-hour drive to Tampa).
* Friday morning/early afternoon, shopping expedition to upscale mall
* Friday late afternoon evening, decorating the venue.
* Friday evening, possible rehersal dinner/evening out.

* Saturday morning, swimming? shopping?
* Saturday afternoon/evening, wedding reception

* Sunday, return home

Fortunately, I have a lot of mix and match in my wardrobe. It's mostly a matter of putting together a color palate. A print plus black is always a safe no-brainer. I may do the leggings and belted tunic style that I did for the concert---I'll bring it along, at least. I can ride over in a print top and black pants, pack my black skirt and pair that with the same top---or another, they're easy enough to pack and it'll work for upscale.

And of course, I need something to sleep in that won't be TMI for my four suitemates. The truly aggrievating thing about that is, I bought a tee-shirt that I had earmarked for this trip---it's dark grey, and I have leggings it will go nicely with in lieu of pajamas---I PayPal'ed for it a week ago last Friday, and the individual said it was going to ship our the following Tuesday. It shipped out YESTERDAY. I'm following the tracking; there's a chance it'll be here tomorrow, but otherwise, it'll be the usual schlubbiness.

Plus incidentals---shoes, accessories, toiletries, emergency supplies (aspirin, antacids, immodium, decongestant, muscle relaxers, cotton swabs, safety pins, etc). Camera---I have most of a disposable left---a steno pad and pens, a fresh 'zine and a bag of coconut M&Ms for downtime. Is that all? Probably not, but that's off the top of my head. And---my DVR is set for SPN.

I have not gotten my hair cut, which I really wanted to do, and it looks like I'm going to end up putting that off until afterward, just to have a few bucks more for travel expenses. The dress isn't done either---I'm still sewing on trim---but a couple hours in front of the TV this evening should take care of it, although I'll also bring a needle and thread just in case. I'm taking some comfort from knowing my ensemble is within my budget, but let's see how it looks ON.

Is it any wonder I'm ready to swear off weddings?!

clothes, wedding

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