Current events

Oct 03, 2009 17:55

I woke up this morning at 11:37, and my first thought was, "Oh crap, the bank closes at noon!" I got vertical, got dressed, hit the mailbox---yes! Check!---and motored over to WalMart, where the closest branch of my bank is located. Squeaked in with 4 minutes to spare, so I got that deposited and enough cash money in hand to pay for lawn services tomorrow.

Since I was already AT WalMart, I breezed through and got a few things. I'm going to fix that beef and noodle alfredo thing again---that was tasty!---I got some wurst, bread, cheese, couldn't resist the seasonal temptation of some pumpkin ice cream!---and a gift for Dr Bizarre: a black tee-shirt, supposedly glow-in-the-dark, that says "Instant Pirate---Just Add Rum" which amused the heck out of me---but as I'm trying to reform, stylistically, it's better off with him---he'll get a kick out of it.

Back home, I watched "The End" of the best SPN eps ever IMO, even if I AM still waiting for a good explanation of---oh, never mind. I don't feel like fussing with a cut-tag. I then did a little final tweaking on a "missing scene" fic I wrote for it and sent it off to be betaed. I had the idea a while ago, it just took me a while to figure out how to slot it into canon and sit down and write the thing.

I'm glad that my writing seems to be reviving. Since my termination, I'm showing up at the page more than I have been in quite a while. I know sooner or later I'll find another job, but next time, it's going to be something with reasonable hours that isn't on the dark side of the moon. Meanwhile, I'm going to savor the luxury of writing time where one eye isn't on the clock---when I'm really engrossed in a story, I can glance at the clock, and the next thing I know, it's two hours later. It's hard to reach that level of entrancement when "I have to be on the road by 2 o'clock" is blinking in neon on the sidelines.

I posted two stories in September. Here it is, October 3rd, and I've got another being betaed, I've got my "costume" ready for Come As You're Not (a month early, go me!) although that also needs to be betaed. I have stray bunnies and WIPs roaming around, and I'm giving serious thought to the Multi-fandom Crossover Exchange. Plus, Yuletide is sure to be kicking off any day now. And then there's NaNoWriMo. Okay, so I'm an optimist!

Speaking of which, I need to go snag a lottery ticket....

spn, banking, food, writing

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