Good food and good fun

Sep 23, 2009 23:11

Tonight has been seriously excellent. I sauteed the ground beef, peppered it liberally, threw in a well-drained can of 'shrooms, let everything get heated through, then added that jar of alfredo sauce. It was heavenly over noodles.

Consumed it during the season premiere of Criminal Minds. Is it spoilery to say that if Garcia looks good in that shade of green, it should look good on me, too? sbjb claims that every time I use my Garcia icon, she thinks it's me. Really? It's a fairly fab compliment, although I wish I had her budget for eyewear and accessories. That shade of red lipstick doesn't work on me, though. I've tried Siren Red and it makes my teeth look like old piano keys.

Followed that with the series premier of Eastwyck. I didn't have very high expectations---the last TV witch I liked was Willow, and I hated the movie---but I actually loved it. The three witches are all distinct characters, and Daryl VanHorn, the Jack Nicholson part, is played with verve by Paul Gross. I must've missed his name in the credits, because I spent five minutes scowling at the screen going, "Who the fuck is that, I know I know him?!" and then OMGWTFBBQBenton Frazer?! Due South fans, you've GOT to see this. (karaokegal, you might want to check it out too, because for two or three of those five minutes, I was ready to swear he was channeling John Barrowman. I'm just sayin'....)

Another odd sense of familiarity about Eastwyck comes from the backgrounds. I will swear on an issue of Architectural Digest that they've recycled the sets and scenery from Gilmore Girls. Aside from revamping the town square with an ostentatious fountain, it sure as hell LOOKS like Star's Hollow. I think I also spotted Lorelei's staircase and the dining room from the Dragonfly Inn. (Aha! Browsed IMDb, and I am RIGHT! I like being right. Even if it's a teeny little detail like backgrounds.)

Tomorrow, there will be fresh beautifully damaged Winchesters to play with. *happy sigh* Life is good, at least for now.

tv, food, architecture

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