Hello, my darlings! I'm back! I missed you!

Aug 07, 2009 11:22

My first action on staggering out of bed this morning was to grab my bank card and the phone and call the cable company...six days without an internet of my own was a week in Hell. (You know, Hell---where Time is dilated, so that six days is really sixty, which in Internet Time encompasses entire glacial epochs. Thank God that's over!)

The job situation: They've extended my probation by another week, and set a new goal that's even more absurd than the original ridiculous goal. I haven't a prayer, but at least it gets me paid for another week. They can fire me, but I'll be damned if I'll quit (can't get benefits if I quit, and I'd NEED them). So stay tuned....

The good thing about the extension is my schedule for next week; I'll have a 3-day weekend, because there's Posh Brits training on Wednesday (Yes, they of the $1300 bag!), which is an all-day thing, and I'd be out early enough to get home for Leverage. Unless, of course, I arrive for training and get hauled into HR and canned, which I wouldn't put past them.

Oh, and to add stress to more stress, Current Boss told me yesterday that I'm "overdrawn" on my vacation time and must relinquish three of the days I've selected. So either I miss my birthday week vacation, Dr Bizarre's wedding, or Halloween/The Full Moon Ball at church. Since it's probably going to be a moot point in a week, I'm resisting. (And plan to call in and go anyway. It's not my fault their fancy-schmancy new time-keeping software sucks ass. I was already planning to call out the Thursday before the wedding. Asshats.)

Was annoyed last night that I hadn't set a timer for SPN---I walked into the breakroom at 9:45 to find it was my favorite ep of last season. (Yeah, I know Mischa is made of awesome, but I totally cougar Brock---what can I say?!)

Thanks to combining Leverage and IMDb, I have rescued Secondhand Lions from my vid shelf and have rewatched it twice---Christian Kane's character is Robert Duvall's younger self in flashbacks*, and he gets to do swordfighting! In tight pants! With a big walrus moustache! Woohoo! That, and my renewed internet access are the high point of my week!

* And yet, there is NO fanfic that I can find for it---how can this BE?!

christian kane, spn, tv, leverage, work rant

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