Have a safe and happy 4th, y'all!

Jul 04, 2009 16:50

Still at Schnauzerland. Hair has not been done, as I realized at the last minute that I had the chemicals but not the applicator bottle. Oopsie! The car is mostly packed up, I know S&T are on the road and may be back at any time, although I'm hanging around in hopes the weather will cooperate for fireworks. (9 PM) Made a soda run to Publix and crossed paths with CapeGypsy, who commented favorably on the hair.

Discovered to my chagrin (chagrin that I didn't notice this a week ago) that they have the OMG-every-single-premium-channel package---was up til 4AM watching DeVour---and yes, I've already seen it at least five times, but never on a humongous HDTV. Oh, teh pretty!

I was invited to go shopping with sbjb, and declined because I'm here and she's there and I was getting ready to watch Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, which I hadn't seen...it's a good thing I'm familiar with the book, since it turned out that it was---wait for it!---dubbed in Spanish! I had a pretty fair idea of what was going on, although I had plenty of time to notice how many subplots were elided or dropped completely. The more I see of the young thing they've got playing Neville---with a Scots accent, no less!---the more I want to get back to my Neville and Drake 'verse---although my Draco is more like a young David Bowie than Tom Felton....

Yesterday at work was dead slow. I got a wild hair and did some scribbling...none of the usual suspects: I revisited Jericho, something I started at least a year ago. Kind of a 21st century western, with Deputy Bill and Jonah Prowse as a two-man posse on the trail of Bill's sister Melanie, who's been abducted by some post-nuke brothel keepers. There's probably not a huge audience for it, but it's been lurking in my head for a long time and seems to want to be written, so...at least I've done something with it.

I started a SPN/DeVour crossover...during the writer's strike, I think...and I've been thinking about that one, too. So many bunnies, so little time. I've got a bunch of stuff started, maybe a chapter or two complete, and along comes another bright idea and away I go.

It is raining fish right now, but that doesn't mean anything. In Florida, a lot can happen weather-wise in four hours.

weather, house-sitting, writing, schnauzerland

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