Jun 20, 2009 18:15
Yesterday's cortisone shot helped quite a bit. My range of motion has improved, and this was the first morning in weeks that I didn't get up and immediately pop three Excedrin---I'm sure my liver is grateful, too.
I called out of work again today, because both the commute and the job are stressful and I didn't want to get those muscles all tensed up again. This way, I've got a couple days more to recuperate in, so that hopefully by Tuesday I'll be something close to normal. At least physiologically.
Speaking of the finer points of medicine (insert segue here), I spent this morning/early afternoon commiting an act of fiction, and I've lobbied the Pit of Voles for a new category: Royal Pains. Next Wednesday will be the 5th anniversary of my first posting over there, and commemorating it by inaugurating a new category pleases me.
I then sent it to be betaed, went to Walgreens to drop off my scrip for muscle relaxers, headed over to the library where I returned 5 of last week's 6 (I'm still working my way through the convoluted web of Cyteen machinations that is "Regenesis"). Back when I last had a library card, things were far less states of the art: last night, I went online at 3 AM and reserved stuff. (They have JDM's Dead and Breakfast in the system!!! Yippee! I've been wanting to see that. Ditto Tales of the Black Freighter. *does Snoopy dance*) Oh, and as I was leaving for all this, I had it confirmed that the Asshats next door have moved. So long and thanks for absolutely nothing!
Now I have retrieved my scrip, and am waiting to see if said muscle relaxers do render me drowsy as everyone warns. I have an odd metabolism; OTC sleep meds make me twitchy and restless, more than half a Xanax has me cross-eyed trying to stay awake, and I once totally confounded a dentist when I told him that 1000mg of hydrocodone just took the edge off the pain of an extraction gone bad. He said he would've been unconscious; I was miserable but still functioning.
That was when I was working at the Dysfunctional Family Business. DFB was owned by the parents of two sons who also worked for them, and NONE of these people could speak three sentences to another before it disintegrated into a screaming row. I've never been happier to be fired from a job...anyway, I had a dry socket, which is a euphemism for "Oh fuck me, my head is going to IMPLODE!" -- this was a week or so after I'd started there, and they decided for reasons known only to them and God, to piss test me. For the record, I was sitting in an office answering phones and typing up forms (on an actual IBM Selectric typewriter).
Drug test came back positive, yeah, so what? I had a prescription for the stuff, which I produced. It helped that they knew the dentist in question, but afterward, Mrs DFB took me aside and told me how Mr DFB had gone through cancer surgery and recuperated and never took any painkillers along the way. To which, my unspoken reaction was, Then he's an idiot, because pain causes harmful stress to the body and who the fuck do you think you are, telling me to suck it up? Where do you get off, imposing your judgements on other people's health?
*yawn* Maybe a little drowsy....
work rant