You want it WHEN?!?!?!

May 01, 2009 10:45

Yesterday at work, I got a compliment from a Brand X customer! I must've spent 20 minutes with her, trying to find the specific size she needed (GOD, I wish we could search by size!) and finally coming up with a product that would work. She apologized for being grumpy, which I don't think she was---although after medical billing, they pretty much have to be growling and spitting invective for me to even notice.

That was shortly after getting a rare Trendicrap call (they have their own team, so I only get them now when there's overflow) which netted me a 40 item sale, GO ME!

To reiterate what I've been maundering about for the past few days, I had AT LEAST a half-dozen calls about how fast could a prom dress arrive if they ordered it today/tomorrow/Saturday...? And it much to ship it?!?! Well, yeah, idjit---that's what happens when you wait til the last minute. Oh, and one call about some potential bridesmaids dresses that were cute, marked down, and sold out....

Last night's SPN was excellent, and Misha was amazing---but I STILL like my version better. (Although I notice they DID make him a salesman, *not* a holy tax accountant.)

What do you mean, they've moved Harper's Island to Saturday nights?! Come on, people, how's it supposed to find a fanbase when you keep yanking it around? And Saturday? That's daft, they seem to be focusing it at 20-somethings, who are mostly out and about on Saturdays. On the other hand, it works nicely for me, since Saturday is my Friday and it gives me something fun to come home to on the DVR.

spn, compliment, castiel

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