The Posh Bitch

Jan 03, 2009 12:21

Last night's Big Issue was some bitch who called in on Posh Brits and screamed at me because her package hadn't arrived, and she'd spent the whole day sitting at home waiting for it. And they rescheduled it. News flash: That's the carrier's fault, not ours. And then she went off because she'd placed the order on the 23rd, and went with FREE ground shipping (Delivery in 3-5 business days AFTER it leaves the warehouse). And for whatever reason, it didn't leave the warehouse until the 28th. She wanted An Explaination.

I tried to be nice. "I feel your pain", all that empathy shit. Nope, she wasn't having it. I called Help Desk, who told me that that close to Christmas, the warehouse was concentrating on shipping the Overnite/Priority stuff, and ground could wait.

Which set Posh Bitch off no end. Oh, but we should have CALLED her and let her know! (Which almost set me off laughing because CLEARLY, this stupid cow has NO IDEA of the volume of packages we ship, especially two days before Christmas!) OMG, that was so unprofessional of us, and it was discrimination (?!?!?) because she didn't have the money to pay for expedited shipping---excuse me? She had FREE SHIPPING. If she can afford to order from Posh Brits, I know damn well she could've sprung for faster shipping. I don't want to hear any "poor me" crap, because she's a tightwad bitch.

But I stayed nice. I offered her free 2nd day shipping on a future order, since we can't credit back shipping when shipping is free to begin with. I offered her a return label so she could send the order back when it arrived (since she was making "I don't know if I still want it after all this" noises), and Posh Bitch kept bellyaching about how she wanted an explaination for why her package took so long to ship.

(How the fuck do I know? I'm not at the warehouse. Tis the season. Shit happens. The world won't come to a screeching halt because you didn't get your over-priced piece of frippery. Adjust your meds. Get a life. The Earth does NOT revolve around you.)

Anyway, she finally demanded to speak to a manager. (Which I'm NOT supposed to suggest. Hint: If you ever have a problem that involves customer service, DON'T open with "I want to speak to a manager". Give the CSR a chance to fix the problem. Most of the time, we can.) Thank god, since by then, I was starting to think seriously about saying some of those parenthetical things.

I checked the notes on the order later; apparently she screamed at the Help Desk gal loudly enough to be heard by the rep in next cube over.

Posh Bitch aside, yesterday wasn't too bad. They've winnowed out a bunch of the n00bs...there are a couple people I'll miss, but two of my favorites are staying, so that's something to look forward to. And our first training of the year is scheduled next Friday---the Executroids are coming to town....

posh brits, work rant

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