Tis the season... (Redux)

Dec 12, 2008 01:20

I took 16 orders today, which isn't a record (Close, though!), but about half of them I had to "clean up" after--- mostly requesting credits because one code wouldn't work with another, or just plain wouldn't work---or price adjustment, or commenting on when the 14th business day was. None of the callers were unbearably bitchy, though, so it's all good.

Also managed to avert a potential crisis without bloodshed---scheduling had me down to work mandatory overtime on two of my days off next week, and NO FUCKING WAY was I going to schlep back and forth to Melbourne for half-shifts of overtime on my days off. But I had a few words with Boss C, who got scheduling to swap things around so I'll have the same basic schedule as this week, IE, going in two hours early. Which works, because there's a holiday feast at church on Sunday, so I didn't want to volunteer that either.

Still no word on whether there will be mandatory overtime Christmas week. If not, I'll only have a 3-day week, Tuesday, Friday and Saturday. That would be nice....

Have to go in earlier tomorrow, so I can snag my check and get it deposited. *yawn*

work, church, work rant

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