My Fictional Christmas Party (a meme)

Dec 11, 2008 01:00

Happily ganked from karaokegal. In her case, the theme was the snarktastic guest list. Mine is more like a cable TV meet market.

My Fictional Christmas Party

You are allowed to invite ten guests to your house for Christmas this year, the catch is that they must all be fictional...literature, tv, movies, plays, radio dramas, epic poems, cereal boxes: Your fictional characters can come from anywhere to your party! (As an added bonus you can stretch the 10 guest rule if any character has a companion they absolutely cannot go without). One guest per fandom, please, aside from the bonus rule.

1. Dr. Edward Marcase (The Burning Zone - TV, Jeffrey Dean Morgan)
He's a doctor who's fascinated with the supernatural, intelligent, well-traveled, and 100% sex on legs, what's not to love? In his case, I may be deliberately vague about the dress code in hopes he'll show up in jeans and plaid flannel.

2. Bobby Singer (Supernatural - TV, Jim Beaver)
He cleans up really well---definitely NOT a ditchable prom date. His "What the Hell?!" reaction when he sees Marcase should be priceless. The only downside is, we *know* he's gonna thin the punch with holy water.

3. Rick and AJ (Simon & Simon - TV, Gerald McRaney, Jameson Parker)
You can't have one without the other, tho' I'm planning to sic AJ on Melissa---they're both so winsomely clean-cut---and keep Rick for myself.

4. Jools Siviter (Spooks/MI-5 - TV, Hugh Laurie)
For all his lacerating wit, you know he didn't reach the corridors of power by being a boor all the time. When he's not dealing with idiots---or Tom Quinn---I'm sure he's very congenial company...especially with an opera singer on the premises!

5. David Rossi (Criminal Minds - TV, Joe Mantegna)
In addition to being damn scenic, he's scary smart, and I'd love to see what he'd make of the rest of the guest list.

6. Joe Mannix (Mannix - TV, Mike Connors)
If you compare #6 and #7, it's easy to see I've had a consistant "type", going back to 1968. Whatever happened to playboy PI's, anyway?

7. Ian Howe (National Treasure - movie, Sean Bean)
He's rich, ambitious---the primary reason I picked him for the guest list ahead of Tony Stark is, seniority. And those gorgeous green eyes.

8. Mame Dennis (Auntie Mame - movie, Rosalind Russell)
One thing about her is, she'll for sure help get the party started. I just hope the gin holds out!

9. Melissa Romney-Jones (The Little Lady Agency - book by Hester Browne)
I'd love to get some organizing tips from her---why should she waste them all on her clients?---and I think she'd be good at wrangling Jools if the need arose---he's so much like her dad.

10. Sirocco Malfoy (non-canon Harry Potter - unwritten fanfic)
I know, vanity on my part---her story has been on the back burner for at least two years now. Sirocco is a distant cousin of Draco's, an opera singer (part veela), robust, middle-aged but not fading away by any means!


meme, xmas

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