Thursday recap

Oct 03, 2008 11:20

Training yesterday was excellent. Of all the partner reps who come galloping in from time to time, Guido from Brand X is my favorite. (No, that's not really his name, but confidentiality is what it is.) I first met Guido my first week on the job, where I was hustled into his training class since I was going into apparel. I ended up sitting right next to him, and he was very easy-going and helped calm my jitters.

Fast-forward one year and eleven months, and we're on a first-name basis, and he likes me. He's commented about how good I sound on the phone, and yesterday during training, there were four or five rookies who were there for the first time...Guido was talking about how important it is to make a connection with the customer, and he said, "Vanillafluffy is wonderful at that, you can always hear her personality coming through." Made me blush, he did....

I also won a free pair of jeans in a drawing...the trouble being, we don't have a damn thing in my size---so someone is liable to get a really nice Xmas present.

Zoomed on home and accessed the DVR and was made gleeful. Dean, oh, Dean---how DO you get yourself into these things?

This is going to go down as one of the pivotal eps of the series. So many details all pulled together and explained---it gives me hope that at some point, they MAY do the same with the Croatoan storyline---and filling in vast chunks of backstory. Also rendering a lot of fan-fic AU, but those are the breaks. Although, I KNOW I've read a couple stories where Mary was a hunter...couldn't tell you specifics, but....

Okay, the ep itself---OMG, they did a helluva good job casting young John and Mary. "John" actually looked like he might grown up to be JDM. When he opened his mouth, though, the illusion was spoiled---he doesn't have the obsene-phone-call kind of voice of his predecesor. Still, the line about the Enterprise was funny---who would've picked JOHN as a Trekkie?! The idea that it was Dean who steered John to the Impala was very cool, and his comment, "My dad taught me everything I know about cars" got me all misty-eyed. And Dean winds up driving a Concord---wtf?! Hot-wired, or bought with a bogus card---and if the latter, what did the salesman say when he saw the expiration date was 2010---?

Dean's line about, "Mom's a babe. Oh God, I'm going to Hell...again." cracked my shit right on up. Because he's resilient enough to be glib about it. That's good.

Getting to see Mary's folks was interesting. There were a number of points during the episode where I cackled about genetic predispostion, not to mention foreshadowing and irony---Mary wanting to get out of the life and not wanting her chidren raised that way? OMG, enough iron there to kill every fae on the planet. (I wonder, if Sam had heard that, what his reaction would've been?)

However, the bit where Grandpa Sam dresses as a priest, only to arrive and find Dean there, ALSO dressed as a priest---that was such a Kodak moment! Yeah, the theatrical tendencies were definitely passed down!

The end...I have a whole bunch of questions and impressions and contradictions...the whole "Destiny can't be changed" bothers me. Yes, it harks back to the series' original tagline: Two brothers, one destiny". The trouble with that is, then you get into the chicken-or-the-egg territory: if Heaven saw all this taking place, Azazel confiding his plan to Dean, why didn't they take steps sooner? prevent the moment in the nursery and put a halt to it all there? Furthermore, if Dean was actually in the past, and they knew that he was going to be there, then it would seem that the sole reason (no pun intended) that he was raised from Hell was to witness those events (and stop Sam). So again, why not do something about it sooner? Now, IF there is some kind of destiny at work, and they know Dean is crucial to it, then doesn't it mean that they know what it is? And are pulling strings?

The cliffhanger was dark...Castiel's threat toward Sam---there are several ways this could go: Dean confronts Sam and finds out he's been using his mojo, some conflict ensues. Or, they band together against both sides, the dark and the divine. Or Sam assumes an attitude of, "If you're not with me you're against me." and they split up. I can see some form of any of these happening. The teaser didn't address any of these issues, curse it!

Still thoroughly loving Castiel, although he is so NOT the peace-and-light-and-fluffy-wings kind of angel.

Will probably spend the weekend rewatching it. And writing more contemplations, because this barely scratches the surface.

work, jdm, spn, castiel, brand x

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