
Sep 21, 2008 00:45

09:35AM - I wake up.

09:45AM - I call garage. No answer.

09:48AM - I call missybrat, arrange to got to Melbourne to pick up/cash my check.

10:35AM - Mb arrives, we go to Melbourne

11:04AM - I take possession of my check. Call the garage again---no answer---leave message. Discover the branch of my bank closest to work doesn't have Saturday morning hours, unlike the branch closest to my house.

11:28AM - Cash check at Publix. (I wish now I'd picked up a few things while I was in there.)

12:20PM - Hit Woody's BBQ for lunch. Starving. Introduce Mb to their corn nuggets, heh heh. We both have the lunch combo and we both select sausage and spare ribs. Yummy!

01:45PM - Try calling garage again, still no answer.

02:20PM - Zoom up to garage, to discover no one there, no sign my car has moved since being off-loaded from tow truck. (Am pissed.)

02:57PM - Mb delivers me to work. (On the way from Sharpes to Melbourne, I enlighten her on why repeated viewings of the trailer for The Accidental Husband can lead to the overuse of the word "yummy". This includes rhapsodizing about JDM, aka "Sex on Legs". This definitely helps cheer me up.)

03:02PM - I log in. CSR-type shit ensues for the next few hours, blah, blah, blah.

11:31PM - Mb and her SO pick me up and deliver me home.

And that was my Saturday...which is, thank God, my Friday.

missybrat, jdm, car trouble

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