Depressing news

Apr 12, 2006 20:45

Today it was strongly hinted to me that I'm not going to get the new position I've applied for. This is not good.

Despite my protestations and bitching, there are a number of things I like about where I am: the location is convenient, the hours are regular, the dress code is not unreasonably stringent, the benefits are okay ever if the hourly wage sucks, I have a number of friends there AND I've been there long enough that I'm on the verge of getting an increase in vacation time (after my 5th anniversary later this year, my available time will go up for 2 weeks per year to 3 weeks per year).

However, I am falling farther and farther behind on the #$%&ing correspondence and my patience with patients is steadily decreasing. My temper is growing ever shorter, and I have the uneasy feeling that if I don't get off the phones, at some point in the not-too-far-distant future, I'm going to Lose It Bigtime and tell some snarky idiot to pay their goddamn bill and stop screwing around, or fuck off and die--either way, my give a damn's busted.

So...I'm trying to hang on so I can at least get caught up on all the stuff that I let slide in the scramble for property taxes--and try to get done some of the things I need to do around the house--but I'm worried that things may get ugly.

Why does life have to be so damned complicated?

medical billing, work rant

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