On-going progress...

Feb 25, 2006 20:30

Today went well. I got a fair amount done in my room and the master bath. I started by looking for a pencil-sharpener (which I never did find, but *thought* it was on top of my dresser). Ended up doing a load of laundry, getting rid of those boxes beside the TV stand, and quick-and-dirty cleaning the bathroom.

In the boxes, I found all sorts of things that had gotten misplaced, including my opal ring, which I've had for many years--I'm very glad I didn't just decide to pitch it all! The bathroom didn't take very long to pick up; I also gave it a quick swipe with a damp mop--quite an improvement. Found more cans in both places, but I've been vigilant about keeping abreast of the situation: I'm not letting them sit around and accumulate.

I did a smidgen of rearranging in the kitchen--that was why I was looking for a pencil-sharpener in the first place; I was going to plot the new work area on graph paper. The counter height is going to be 42", and I want pegboard above that with a shelf at 72". I'm one of those people who does best when my stuff is right there in plain sight. I figure I'll arrange some of those fruit crate labels on the side wall, and if I can get that retro apple clock to work, I'll hang it over the counter--notch the back of the shelf for the cord to go through...so I'll have a vintage-fruit theme going. Maybe I can paint the cabinets and do something to carry the theme over there as well? Stenciling or decals, maybe?

I'm delighted to realize that my room is getting to the point where it could be painted without running amok. It would take an hour or two (depending on the number of people helping) to move and cover things, but it wouldn't be a terrible ordeal to do it myself. The biggest nuisance would be moving the headboard so I could paint behind it--the drawback to having a waterbed!--that's probably a two-person job. First, of course, I need paint....

What I'd like to do is, run a border of pegs about 10" down from the ceiling to hang my hats on. (Yes, I *do* have that many hats! At the moment, they're roosting all over the place in haphazard fashion and I'd prefer to display them properly.) Haven't quite decided how I want to take that room; it's either going to be a retro pastel fantasy, or the Brazilian bordello (lots of leopard print, which I have) and some orchids. Tough call; I like both styles, and I have articles that would be suitable for one or the other--I'm leery at the thought of combining them....
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