A real nail-biter

Apr 16, 2007 19:20

I spent the lion's share of today with my ass parked on the couch, beading and watching TV. I finished a project I started a couple weeks ago---a mother of pearl and red coral necklace---while sitting through Tall Tales (twice) and a couple episodes of Jericho. Did a little channel surfing as well, but I've seen National Treasure enough times that even the prospect of an hour and a half of Sean Bean didn't stir my interest. (Besides, I have it on DVD.)

I was somewhat hampered by the fact that I snapped off a thumbnail last night as I was reaching into the fridge for a drink. It seems like all the gals I know either gnaw their nails or glue them on---I grow my own and doesn't do fakes. I stopped biting my nails---after having done it all my life---shortly after I graduated from college, when I was working at my first "real" job. There may or may not be a correlation between the two events.

My mother had beautiful nails, back in the days before Lee press-on or French tips. Growing up, her hands always seemed elegant, while mine were so...stubby. (Rather like my right thumb, at the moment.) But then, my mom was from the era of red lips, rouge and calligraphic eyeliner---she had elegance down to an artform two decades before I was born. She spawned me into the era of hippies and the natural look and I acquired a certain disdain for too much artifice. Even now, if I remember to swipe on lipstick, I'm doing good.

Did anyone here see that movie, "To Wong Foo, Thanks for Everything, Julie Newmar"? I did, liked it a lot---but watching the cross-dressers transform, the ritual in front of the mirror with paint and powder---I thought, if *I* ever went to those lengths getting dressed, *I'd* feel like a female impersonator. Which is ridiculous, y'know, because I'm already female, no gaffing needed. I just don't go the girly-girl route that often.

Usually, I maintain my nails at a length I can work with. I may gnaw at the edges if one's snagged or if I have a lot on my mind, but most of the time, fingernails are a useful tool, and I keep them tended. I've gone through phases of painting them, preferred shades being gold, pink, coral or orange, but the few times I tried artificial nails, I chewed them off within a day because I couldn't function with them. I'm always amazed when I see some gal at work typing forty wpm with talons out to there---how do they DO that?!

Tomorrow, I get to go to the dentist, yay. (Said ironically, in case you were wondering.) I mean, it's a good thing, because hopefully he or she will fix the problem, but ugh, money. And then I work a full shift afterward...but I'm off Wednesday, so that's good, right?


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