As the weekend draws to a close...

Jan 22, 2006 22:27

I feel like it's been a productive weekend. Yesterday was wonderful, and B wants to do some more tie-dye next weekend at her place. Yay!

This morning, I stepped on the scale, which was less traumatic than usual, and noticed all those empty hangers in the closet (Left behind after I gave those two bags o' clothes to a co-worker). I grabbed a handful, went back into the bathroom and cleared away the stuff that was piled on the vanity. I did the same thing in my room. In the office, I gathered up the cans I've been talking about recycling for the last couple of weeks and bagged them. I also hung up a basketful of clean laundry in the garage and did another load of all the less-than-fresh wear from the bed and bath.

If I weren't trying so hard to save my time off for GK's visit, I swear I'd call in tomorrow...while I'm in such a constructive mood, it seems a pity to spend 8 hours sitting in a cubical dealing with idiots when I could be pitching out clutter.

Of course, I'll have to explain to everyone just *why* I played hooky from church. The topic was depression...been there, done that, and frankly, this place *is* depressing, so anything I can do to rectify that is a Good Thing.

If you enjoy a certain amount of frustration, try this:

I've got 28 of 33 so far.... Warning, it's fairly US-centric.
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