I'm so glad it's Friday!

Jan 20, 2006 22:35

I've acquired the glasses--I think the rectangular ones are going to be my preferred pair. There's something about the other ones...they're definitely going to take some getting used to, and I *don't* plan to drive in them. (It's some peculiar combination of the pointy-at-the-sides shape and the lack of a bottom rim...I'm very conscious of wearing glasses, and usually I'm *not*.)

I would have faxed the receipt off to the FSA people, except that one of our intrepid phone trio wasn't in today, and the other one split for the day at lunchtime. Which as any mathematical genius can tell you, left me and only me to deal with the phones. Why is it that when I wasn't on the phones, and things got busy, they started shrieking for back-up, and now that I'm back on the god-damned phones, nobody says a fucking thing? (Inhale, exhale....)

Anyway, I'm very glad it's Friday and I've got two days to decompress. Laundry is happening (No, I didn't do it last night: I took a long shower and washed my hair and exfoliated), I've got a package of new tee shirts to dye, two shades of dye, turquoise and purple--and that stuff I tried making from rose petals, which has been sitting in a jug awaiting experimentation for lo these many years. *tries to remember what year...* Since 2001, I think. (Possibly I'll uncork the jug, and we'll all run screaming from the smell, we'll see!)

Speaking of stinkers, I invoke the law of threefold return on the uber-bozo who was *parked!* in the right-hand lane of 520 at 7:50AM in the middle of rush hour traffic. I thought the Hyundai behind me was going to wind up in my backseat and I saw my life flash in before my eyes. Oh, and then I got tailed by a sheriff's deputy on the way home; he followed me into our little no-outlet subdivision and all the way home...then he drove merrily past as I was parking. Which was good for a nice dose of paranoia which will work itself into the current CSC*...I'm not invoking anything on the deputy--it's isn't hir fault that I led a misspent youth!

I'm going to sleep in tomorrow. I deserve it. *yawn* Right now, I'm mostly staying up so I can hang up the laundry when it's dry...I don't want it to sit there all night and get wrinkles...I'm wrinkled enough....blah!

* Crack-smoking crossover.

bitch please

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