The other day it was my birthday (the 8th of November), I went out for dinner with some family and Victor <3
My mum was also super sweet and got me a dress form, money and a box of some of my favourite candies ^o^ (peanut butter mnms, spearmint leaves, mini musks and teeth) And she got a custom cake for after dinner too ! It was super pretty with everything I ever wanted on a birthday cake, it was very ~*~*~*vanilla*~*~*~ ! xD
Here's my post on daily_lolita for my birthday outfit: This coming Saturday, I'll be going out with some friends in celebration of my birthday and mourning of the cancellation of the drag queen show xD
On my birthday I also got another package from Victor, full of chocomint goodness ! <3
Here's what I got:
*O* <33 I really love it all ! I'll be wearing the pink bow, lollie bracelet and lavender bows on Saturday :3
I have a gold bag to match the clip, and I ordered some gold shoes from taobao to match aswell ;D I wanted to get a white x gold skirt from Rose Melody...but they don't make it in gold anymore ;___; If you know any not tooo expensive gold prints for sale, let me know ! I have some birthday money (so far $260) so a gold print would be good....but all I can think of are Puppet Circus and that chandelier print, I think they both are too small for me at the moment aswell as waaaay too expensive, well, atleast Puppet Circus ._. (-drools over that in white-)
On Sunday I went to my second lolita meetup :D It was quite fun. We went to Dolls at the Mount in Heidelberg and had high tea, the sweet foods were good, as was the tea, the savoury food wasn't very nice to me, but THEY HAD THE BEST CUPCAKES EVER, seriously, they were so light and fluffy and had the best taste and creamy icing with SPARKLES on top and a flower, they gave us all one each for free for dressing up, awwwhhhh ! <3
Here's my daily_lolita post for what I wore to the meet: And here's some extra photos, sadly no group shots have been uploaded yet, and I didn't take many photos myself > 3< I'm a bit shy and would feel creepy taking photos of everyone XD
If you haven't already guessed, the tea house is also a doll museum ! xD
I've been making some more things's one thing for myself;
and more at my etsy shop: I made ALOT more, but I'll upload them at another time...I still need to make even more ! xD
Here's a non-lolita outfit I wore the other day;
~ Vanilla