On Friday, Victor and I went to see Emilie Autumn in concert. Ugh. I was looking forward to it. But...ugh.
First of all, we had to wait 4 and a half hours just to see her at all, and there were not many seats, so Victor and I were standing the whole time. Except for like two minutes on the ground until they told us to stand up, not because we were getting in to see her, just because we aren't allowed to...I don't know why, it was bullshit.
The concert was meant to go from 6 until 12, but we didn't see her until 11pm, and she finished at 1, we were standing for that time aswell. My feet were so tired, I started to feel sick and felt like fainting, so I went and sat on a toilet, the only place I could find to rest. D: Which made me miss a song I quite like.
The stage was also really low, so I really couldn't see much at all anyway, so many people had massive, high boots on, and I had flat shoes on, and am also shorter than alot of them too. > 3<
But I did manage to get a few photos of the show;
(I was standing on my tippy toes holding the camera way above my head, zoomed in heaps, to get these)
The girl in the last picture, I love her corset *o* It's like candy ~
Speaking of candy, a random girl asked for a hug, and I said okay and after the hug she said it was better than lollies, lmfao.
When we got home, Victor was on the goth forums, and everyone was saying she was lip syncing and fake-playing the harpsichord and violin T____T When she was 'playing' and 'singing' I was thinking "oh, such talent *o*" but nuuuu. ; 3; DISSAPOINT. Victor also said he saw, when she was playing the harpsichord, that she walked away from it, but it kept playing x.x -sobsob- I still really like her music, but ugh that she did that D: I feel bad for Victor, wasting his monies for the both of us ._.
Anyways, we both made posts of what we wore, here's the links;
community.livejournal.com/daily_lolita/2975787.html community.livejournal.com/daily_lolita/2970907.htmlOh, by the way, I'm wearing a wig in those photos, lolololol. Just a $13 one from a cheapo shop ! *o* I am quite pleased with it ~
But, I am an idiot, it is the second one I purchased, the other one, I curled with rollers and boiling water, it worked, but looked ridiculous on me, and the fringe went really weird and kinky. Dx Also wasted money on all those rollers x____x I should use them on my own hair some time, so mum will be less angry XD
edit: I also finally ordered from taobao using the shopping service yoybuy, I'll make a review when I get all the pretty clothes *o* <333 -so excited-
~ Vanilla