Video Game Meme

Mar 04, 2011 16:51

Taken from lilliania  --- Again!


Very First Video Game
The Magic School Bus on the Sega Genesis!

Your Favorite Character
Princess Peach! She'll always be my favourite! I just love her! She's so pretty and adorable and stronger than people think!

A Game that is Underrated
Psychonauts! Everyone says this but it really is! That game is wonderful! ...Except the very last level. That's so hard! But the rest is so much fun!

Your Guilty Pleasure Game
Elite Beat Agents! Everyone scoffs when I tell them about it!

Game character you feel you are Most Like (or wish you were)
Well, I'm not really like any game character... But I would like to be more like Noriko from Heavenly Sword. A strong female who can take care of herself! And whip her long hair around! Hee! I can't do that yet with my hair ;)

Most Annoying Character
Navi from Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time! HEY LISTEN! Ack! Nooo!

Favorite Game Couple
*sways* There's so many! But I'll choose the canon couple of Drake/Elena from Uncharted :)
I do hope she's in the new one so their relationship can continue!

Best Soundtrack
Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess, of course! I know a lot of songs are from Ocarina of Time and such but I heard Twilight Princess first so I always attribute it to being the best! They did such a good job making me think I'm in a fantasy world!

Saddest Game Scene
The end of Super Paper Mario for me! Not to give too much away, even though the game is old, but it made me so sad! It's a very sappy romance story but I adore it to death just the same!

Best Gameplay
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2! I was on the edge of my seat the entire time! And the graphics.. my gosh! Everything about that game was gold, especially when you meet Price again. I screamed in joy!

Gaming system of Choice
Even though I own all the major consoles.. PS3, you are my baby! I chose is because the graphics on it are fantastic and it's a snap to get on the Internet! I can't go to the Xbox store because I don't have wifi in mine! Very annoying!

A Game everyone should Play
Little Big Planet! It's so much fun and you can create your own worlds! I adore playing it with my little Sackgirl and putting stickers on things while amazing music plays~

A Game you’ve played more than FiveTimes
Assassin's Creed. I adore the first one, it was my first love!

Current (or most recent) gaming wallpaper
Uncharted 3!

Post a screenshot from the game you’re Playing Right Now
...Oh, but um.. I can't! My PS3 isn't here! *cries*
But I am still playing Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess on the Wii. It's just hard to keep doing it because I have school and exams!

Game with the Best Cut Scenes
I have to agree with ililania. What I did play of Final Fantasy 13, the cut scenes were incredibly beautiful!

Favorite Antagonist
Oh my.. I have to say Bowser! He never fails to be a worthy opponent and comes back in such interesting ways!

Favorite Protagonist
Nathan Drake from Uncharted! I love how witty he is during situations and he's fun to play as opposed to the silent treatment your character does in most games!

Picture of a game setting you wish you Lived In
I wish I lived in the Punbowl Falls level of Super Mario Galaxy! So many beautiful worlds out there but this was my favourite! And Penguins!

Favorite Genre

Game with the Best Story
God Of War! I'm serious! I mean, yes it does bastardize the greek gods but I LOVE the story! ...Which is really just Kratos killing everyone and every thing but it had me rivited on which god he would meet next, how Pandora was going to work out, and what happens when he does kill Zeus! If was like if my Classics class had more gore and bloodshed heehee.

A Game Sequel which Disappointed You
Assassin's Creed II. No thank you! I didn't like it!

Game you think had the Best Graphics or Art Style
Uncharted 2: Among Thieves! MY GOODNESS! My eyes nearly broke at the beauty! Especially when you find that temple in the mountain. Like... OMIGOSH! I CAN'T BELIEVE HOW PRETTY IT IS!

Favorite Classic Game
Super Mario World! ...Hey, it's a classic!

A Game you plan on Playing
I need to finish Brother in Arms: Hell's Highway. So that will probably be next.

Best Voice Acting
Hmmm... I think everyone in Kingdom Hearts did a good job :)

Most Epic Scene Ever
Oh my... I really need to think about this. I think the most epic scene ever for me was taking down the Reichstag in Call of Duty: World at War. Didn't like the game very much but the Reichstag was just breathtaking to see! Especially when the one column fell...

Favorite Game Developer(s)
Naughty Dog & Treyarch!

A Game you thought you wouldn’t like, but Ended Up Loving
Bully! I didn't know what to think of the game, it didn't sound very good... But then I played it and it was so much fun! I love Jimmy Hopkins and everyone at the school, especially Johnny and Lola!

Your Favorite Game of All Time
That is such a hard question! Eeek! Okay, I'm going to go with one that has a re-playability factor, great graphics, and fun. Which is Sid Meier's Civilization Revolution! Since I replay it all the time and I love taking down the other countries!

Favorite Horror Game
I like watching American McGee's Alice... but I could never play! I get scared of Horror Games so easily!

Favorite Romance Game
Ummm, I don't really have one! I didn't know Romance Games existed!

Favorite Action Game
Call of Duty 3!

Favorite Sports Game
Well... I like the Fifa Games because you can play as Germany... but I suck at them! I don't really like Sports Games!

Favorite Musical Game
Dance Dance Revolution! Such a good workout :D

Character friends say you remind them of
And I have to close with... No one! No one's ever told me I'm like a game character!
Which I guess may be a good thing?

meme, video games

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