Sep 30, 2004 18:34
The world today makes her feel as a child locked in a closet without a light. The sweat glistens on her brow, Drips carelessly from her fingertips, and flows torrently down her spine. Hairs on end.
Another world is waiting for her, out there. Somewhere. A release from anxiety. From the cruel judgements that she is forced to encounter, with every sunray and moonbeam that kisses her face. Each day exposing an open wound to the air. Flaming the fire that drives society around her. Again and again they bang upon the wall. Driving and persistant for its bricks to fall. The cement crumble at their power. But she will never let the pain reach her deeply enough to break her heart. For her heart is reserved for one person. Whether or not she knows who, she will find him. One day a man will inspire her. Provoke her spirit, kiss her lips and mean it when he says "I love you."
Searching for a man who inspires her. That is the only thing worth standing the repeated pounding at the wall upon which she lies. Restless and unmoving.