Don't spend lots of money on top quality cooking: just make sure you like the place where you have it.
A new report says that the enjoyment of meal doesn't depend on what you eat, but where you eat it.
The results show that in many cases the location is actually much more important than the food,
the meal must have the highest marks in every category-taste, texture, apparence.
Chack it here what haves apparence :)
A capful like you see with kitty cafe^__^
if you like so much a cafe, just try the lion cafe^^
All chocolate ^__^
Desert rossa; wonderful-youmust sure!
Coctailes^__^ the best which I could dream!
"Silvana" very delicious^^
Isn't wonderful masterpiece *_*
Green Ice-Cream^__^
thank you very much for works All this picture , made by Adin form Iran-Thanks so much!
it looks not very nice,but it is really good^_^
So now you must tell me what you like to eat the best?:)
Which froem my photos ou like the best?^^