Insomia! hate it or love it?

Jul 10, 2005 03:20

I went to SPC the other day to take the college placement test. I did wonderful on writing and arithmetics. I need to take reading and algebra over. Walking into that school for the first time was scarry. I had no idea where I was going. Once I found where I had to be I felt better. The people there were very nice. I'm going to take a photo class. It's at the clearwater campus and they supposedly have a huuuge darkroom. I think anything a foot bigger than mine is nice. I can't complain though.

Today [when it's gets light out] I'd like to go surfing. Yvonne will come too. We're only going if the waves are good...meaning not choppy.

I can't believe I'm up another night. It's crazy. I don't know how I get by the days without sleep.

My darkroom shuold be up and running in its new location within the next week. Tomorrow would be nice but probably not gonna happen.

Twenty days til Matt comes back. I'm nervous but excited. I think my cousin is going to drive him here to see me...and so my cousin can see everyone here. I've missed him [Matt] It's going to be weird when he gets back because I don't have any idea on what will happen. I take that back. I do what's gonna happen...I'm just not sure how it'll all fall through. Hopefully we will remain friends.

As for now, I'm gonan go take a bath and maybe read a book. I'm really bored.

My webpage is FINALLY up and running. It still needs work but for now I'm making it for friends. Check it out...

you know, it's funny how you start talking to someone who has been out of your life for so long...then they just disappear again. It's kinda sad.
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