Title: Escape From Wonderland
Pairing: Kamenashi Kazuya x Uchi Hiroki
Words: 6 002
Rating: PG/PG-13
Summary: When Kame's inner brat comes out during a mandatory Johnny's retreat, he finds himself doing crazy things. Like hatching escape plans with Uchi.
Escape From Wonderland )
Kame and Uchi are so cute, and their messages are so pure and innocent, I totally love that. And the idea with the picture of Uchi's smile it's just perfect. <3
Thanks for sharing this one, I will read the long one later, but I am at work now.
I'm happy to hear you liked my drabble tho! And I hope you like the long one too, but lol, yeah, probably not a good idea to read that one while at work XDDD in case you get caught reading it and all that XDDD
It's time to write them.
I will read the long one, I promise. ^_____^ Oh, it's no problem to read in the office, as long as I don't do that the whole day long. ^^
but kameuch is such a rare pairing T^T I'm sad that they have so few fans >
KameUchi, I really have to write them together. They have major-cutness together. :)))))))
They really have few fans, but hey, maybe we should pimp them. :)))))
kameuch is made of cute kaj;dfkdf they were cute when they were juniors and they're still cute <3 i did make a pimp post like...a long time ago: http://kamexuchi.livejournal.com/1089.html XDDD i nearly died from overload of cuteness XDD
Back then, KameUchi was more popular though, i guess, because that was just around the time of yamanade, so yes, we should pimp them more ♥
That pimp post is really great. :)))
Oh yes, during Yamanade it was more popular, you are right. Okay, I think I have to write KameUchi now. ♥♥ Immediately. *laughs*
Oh, NinoKame, they are also interesting, and I like OhnoKame and ShoKame, somehow they are interesting together. ^^
Lol, I guess I also tend to like pairings which involve my favourite guys XDD My favourites guys are Kame, Ryo, Uchi, and Nino and Pi (in that order XDDD) so lol, I guess I just like the idea of my favourites being together, though it does really help that the pairings are so flail-worthy adkfja;df <3
Yes, of course you put together your favorites. So do I. ^^ But mine are Kame, Ryo, Pi, Yoko, AIba, Ohno and Uchi. (Maybe Shirota Yuu...if I name the non-JE alswell. ^^) So pairings with these guys are always <3 <3
Haha, my favourite non-JE guy is Okada Masaki, and just learned about 2 weeks ago that he and Kame actually talk and apparently had dinner, so asdkfjdf flaily about that too XDDD
Oh, Okada Masaki, he is cool. :DD Oh, he and Kame had dinner, that's really cool. ^^
My favorite non JE is Shirota Yuu. He is really cool in my eyes.
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