Out of Order

Oct 16, 2007 14:06

Do you remember "Out of Order", a play in which Endo and Kaji played two brother and in every show appeared two more D-Boys as guest Stars in one scene? I would have loved to turn the Einstein-Rap-Clips into a guessing game like I did with Juu-chan, but it´s no fun without knowing your reaction and you´ll see the solution at the end. 3: So, I will give out names. ^_^o Enjoy~!

D-Boys & the Einstein-Rap:
Wada & Channaka (Wow!)
Shirota & Yanagi (*lol*)
Setomaru & Nakagawa (♥ Great!)
Igarashi & Yanagi (Coool!)
Arayan & Zukki (*rofl*)
Setomaru & Tomo (my favourite Version ♥ but these two are D-Boy´s HipHop-Kids anyway ^_~)

Drama Parts:
Endou and Ouji-san
Grandfather and Grandson again
Two Brothers - Kaji & Endou
Two brothers and a big Dream
A little explanation

Yanagi & Igarashi practising
A pile of D-Boys (- fledglings 3:)

Just in this moment it´s airing time for Abarenbo Mama! o^_^o

setomaru, d-boys

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