Week 15 - Near-Death by Pop Music

Oct 19, 2009 18:31

One of the first things I noted about my school in my recollection of my first day, is the constant presence of pop music. Or at least the predominantly hip hop, synthesized dance music that passes for pop music these days. Daily. Constantly. Relentlessly. Remorselessly - I am exposed to the soul-melting toxic waves that come out of one radio or another, probably sterilizing me or, at the very least, rendering my sperm retarded and my future offspring hopeless. My eardrums aren’t so much punctured from the din as they are branded with logos, mass-duplicated, and sold to children in pop music crack houses.

In case you’re new to this blog: I absolutely detest pop music.

I don’t think of it as “music” really, but rather an artless, sleazy commercial product with no originality, no soul, and no guts. Its marketability is of greater import than its merit as an artistic statement, and therefor the music all sounds the same to me: find the formula that sells records, and duplicate the formula. Find someone who looks good in a bikini, use auto-tuners and harmonizers on her porn-movie voice so it’ll sound like someone with vocal talent is doing the singing, pick a synthetic musical background out of a book and hire some dancers. Bingo! Pop music for the masses. Teenage girls will love them. Meat market dance clubs will love them. All-nude full-contact stripper bars will love them. However, do you know who DOESN’T love them? ME!!

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Originally published at BlueSmoke Studio. You can comment here or there.

straight male stylist

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