Anti-Addiction Pills On the Rise

Apr 15, 2009 09:52

Now that I’m seeing personal results with Chantix, stories like this start catching my eye more often. The drug industry usurps the roles of rehab counselors and therapists once again, and has it’s target fixed on alcoholism. Much like the cases of depression fixed with Prozac, or the tobacco addictions cured by Wellbutrin and Chantix, drugs like Naltrexone and Topamax are making major advances in quick and simple cures to alcoholics.

These findings highlight what’s become increasingly clear: Addiction is a brain disease, not just a failure of willpower. Well heck, I could have told you that - and I’m not even a doctor. The catch-phrase has always been that alcoholism is a disease, and it’s not always possible to counsel a cancer away. Does this mean we’re going to have a new “Prozac Nation” moment? Are we going to see a drop in the “I’m Bored” pills and a rise in the “I’m an Addict” pills? We have a lot of addicts in the world, imagine if we can treat opium addiction in South East Asia as easily as we can malaria.

Originally published at BlueSmoke Studio. You can comment here or there.


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