Thu, 14:04: Saw a neighbor's dog urinate while doing a handstand this morning. So that's the kinda day I'm having.
Thu, 14:04: And the dog got on its front paws, not back paws. It was super bizarre.
Thu, 17:18: My eye has been twitching all day. Could it be because I can't sleep for more than two hours at a time? Or was it the handstand peeing dog?
Thu, 22:28: I am in what I lovingly refer to as "Excel Hell."
Thu, 22:36: Then I remember a previous boss that made me prepare journal entries by hand & we had 10-digit GL accts. That was far worse. Yay #accounting
Thu, 22:44: What a terrible day, seriously. I hope my landlord fixes my sink since it looks like the creature from the black lagoon shit all over it.
Thu, 22:45: That is the last of my complaints. On to a new book.
Thu, 23:49: Unfortunately I have 1 more day of disaster sink. Landlord is coming tomorrow & said it's okay to leave the underwear out.
Fri, 01:17: Started Mansfield Park today & couldn't get into it. I need to be in a certain mood to read Austen. I think I need a break from English lit.
Fri, 01:20: So instead I started a book about the murder of 7 people (including his lover) at Frank Lloyd Wright's home in WI.
Fri, 12:09: Had a moment of panic thinking that a private LJ entry was public. Then I realized no one reads LJ anymore so even if it was, no one saw it.
Fri, 12:09: I still checked three times to make sure it wasn't public.
Fri, 12:10: I don't want anyone stealing the algorithms I use to unsuccessfully play the Lottos.