update in anger

Sep 08, 2008 00:11

the real problem here is that I AM THE ONLY ROOMMATE WHO EVER HAS HOMEWORK EVER. I swear to you, both of my roommate do SQUAT in terms of homework. Maybe 4 hours a week for FOUR COLLEGE CLASSES. Yet I have at least two hours nightly on a really awesomely light day. WHYYYY life?! I feel like I'm the only one who does any work at all! How this matters is totally stupid because my degree, my work and effort, blahblah. I just was schooled in a system of excellence and challenge paired with leadership and commitment. But this is me speaking of the girl that ran away from recruitment weekend because she "didn't feel good" and the other who graduated with 14 peers.

it takes all kinds, I keep telling myself.
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