Hehe...I had to take this quiz!!
Your Japanese name should be
which means "child of light".
You're a very optimistic person and spread out
your happiness! You're a real social butterfly;
you love to be around people and can't stand
staying home alone too long. You're really a
bright, shining light!
Which Japanese name fits you best? [females, 9 results + absolutely stunning ANIME pictures!] brought to you by
Quizilla I knew it! -__- Somehow I'm always the sweet happy type! *dies* But, I don't know if that's true!! I mean, sure I'm nice, I like making people happy...hmm...I wonder if it's just me...whatever! *grins*
Yay!! I get to face paint tomorrow at school!! *cheers* Yeppers, I get to paint peoples faces...and if I don't like some one I could just...hehe! *shifty* Mess it all up!! Bahahaha! *ahem* I'll try to control myself...I said 'try' by the way! Hee hee.