May 10, 2004 23:49
first off i'd like to say: lennie baby ; i love you. i loved our conversation we had today. you're the sweetest guy i know. i love you with all my heart and will never stop. <3 you're the best. okay now on to other things. well this weekend when i was with my friends we met some nigguhs while we were driving and they were too. strange and scary. but whatever they were cool. well lately i've been thinking bout shit. like i always do really. i've decided i'm not gonna look for a relationship no more. if it comes it will. no i'm not gonna be all by myself and be all goodie goodie. <^> fxck that shit. lol. i'ma be a lil `pimp` lol. just kidding. but i will do as i please. yeah i do want someone to be there for me and only me. but it doesn't seem as tho it's going to happen anytime soon. i mean the one i wanted it to happen with. well it's not. unless a miracle comes my way. fat chance. lol. i mean it hurts but i'm basically over it. we're friends so i'm happy. =) then there's my homeboy. lol. wow shit's crazy. he wants to fxck and so do i. but i dunno. we'll see. lol. i saw him today and he was all `so is it true what i hear?` lol. i knew what he was talking about. thanks gary. lol. anyways. well i'm gonna be a nice sister and let my big brother get on. you know i can be nice at times. i'm not always a bitch. mwahaha. but yeah. i'll prolly update longer or whatever another time. who knows. well my sexy live journals nerds i'ma be out. holler gangsters. =) aw i'm so cool. lol. anyways. byebye. kisses. <3