THE ANIMAL KINGDOM - ~under the sea~ 1: the sekai seahorse fic

Jun 05, 2014 06:52

the sekai seahorse fic
???mpreg / sekai (mentioned krystal/sehun) / pg
sehun is a pregnant seahorse and jongin has a bad fin
i mean... i guess it's mpreg... / 2163

During breeding season, Sehun had courted with a female seahorse named Soojung, but during the second week of his gestation period, Soojung had left him for good. He had realized she wasn’t coming back after two or three days of her not arriving for a morning greeting. Sehun, now pregnant and alone, sits with his good friend Minseok, a pufferfish with a proclivity to puff up at the worst times.

“I’m so alone,” Sehun laments. “I’m alone and pregnant. In a few days, upwards of 500 babies will shoot out of my stomach and I will be alone.”

“I’ll be here,” Minseok tries to assure Sehun, reaching over with a fin and patting Sehun on the round belly.

“No,” Sehun tries to flutter away on his fins to the best of his abilities but Minseok chases after him. “Stop.”

Minseok stops and Sehun goes to hide, wrapping his tail around some coral and curling into himself, staring down at his bloated tummy.

The next morning, Soojung doesn’t show up and Sehun isn’t very concerned anymore. There is no morning greeting, as usual, and Minseok is beside him instead, poking Sehun on the stomach.

“What are you doing,” Sehun says, tired. There’s a little more bite in his words than intended and it causes Minseok to puff up like a balloon. Minseok assures Sehun that he's not threatened and Sehun says it’s okay.

Minseok waits for himself to deflate and then he’s poking at Sehun’s stomach again. Minseok is enamored with Sehun’s pregnancy for some reason and Sehun is a little irked by it, but mostly finds it silly.

Minseok is a silly pufferfish. Sehun remembers learning in seahorse school that seahorses and pufferfish usually shy away from each other, so when Minseok had approached Sehun at a community school dance, Sehun had panicked and screamed a little, causing Minseok to puff up, which only made Sehun panic even more. Minseok had yelled, “Sorry! I’m so sorry.” They have been friends ever since. Sehun can’t remember the details.

“Sehun,” Minseok says. His voice is serious as he prods at Sehun’s baby bump. “You know, there’s a storm coming.”

Minseok had probably gotten this information from his friend Yixing, a starfish who usually rests near the coast. Yixing is good at telling the weather, he’s predicted the last ten storms properly. Yixing is an old starfish.

“When,” Sehun asks. His brooding pouch is throbbing, pregnancy sucks.

“Sometime in the next few days,” Minseok’s voice is quiet. Sehun is a little worried.

“The babies,” Sehun says. His tail curls around the coral he’s tethered at. “The babies are due sometime in the next few days.”

“I know,” Minseok pats Sehun’s pouch with a fin. “I know.”

Then, they’re quiet. Minseok has never been good at emotional support, so he hopes his silent patting is enough. Sehun’s fins flutter. He sighs.

“I guess we’ll just have to hope for the better,” Sehun says. “Can you go away now?”

Minseok puffs up and floats away as the water expels itself from his gills.

The next day, news of the storm has spread and Sehun is still tethered to his coral. His fins flutter about lazily and he thinks about all the physical movement he hasn’t been doing. His snout sucks in food idly. Suddenly, he’s nudged on the side by another seahorse.

“Sorry!” the seahorse says to him. Sehun stares at the other seahorse. “My fins are a little bad, I really didn’t mean to--”

And then the other seahorse is staring at Sehun’s pouch and Sehun feels a little offended and bashful.

“Are you pregnant,” the other seahorse asks. The other seahorse is brown. It is a Lined Seahorse. Sehun has never met a lined seahorse before.

Sehun nods.

“Are you okay?!” the seahorse that isn’t Sehun starts yelling belligerently. “I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to bump into you! Are your babies okay, I’m so sorry, where is your mate, let me go apologize to her, I’m so sorry, oh my god.”

“What,” Sehun says, confused and thrown off guard by all this yelling. “Stop that. I don’t know where my mate is. Don’t worry, stop yelling.”

Sehun reddens a little bit. This is a high stress situation.

“Why don’t you know where your mate is?” the other seahorse asks, wiggling his fin immediately afterwards. “I’m sorry! That was rude! I’m stupid today. I lost my herd. I’m panicking a little. Sorry. Hi. I’m Jongin. Sorry. I’m Jongin and I’m sorry.”

Jongin bows his head towards Sehun and Sehun stares at Jongin blankly.

“Okay,” Sehun shrugs. “It’s okay. Don’t worry.”

Jongin clears his throat and then, much to Sehun’s relief, Minseok appears out of seemingly nowhere, fins flipping as he glides through the water.

“Sehun, h-,” Minseok catches sight of Jongin and squints. “Who’s this.”

“I don’t know,” Sehun says. Minseok puffs up and Jongin squeaks. “I just met him.”

“What are you doing to my friend?!” Minseok asks, pushing into Jongin with his rotund body. “You better not be disturbing him!! He’s pregnant, in case you can’t tell. Look!”

Minseok wildly points at Sehun’s belly.

“Minseok, he’s not doing anything,” Sehun says, nudging Minseok’s fin with his pouch. “He lost his herd.”

“Oh,” Minseok deflates almost immediately and swims around Jongin, circling him. “Oh, my god. Poor thing. How did you lose your herd?”

Jongin, at this point, is just staring at Minseok in fear. Sehun realizes that Jongin is probably like the other seahorses, with a predisposition to shy away from pufferfish.

“He’s okay,” Sehun says to Jongin. He gives Jongin his best smile. “He’s a little funny, but he’s okay.”

Jongin takes Sehun’s word for it and explains, “I’ve got a bad fin.” Jongin weakly wiggles his right fin. “We were trying to get away from the storm, my herd and I were. But I couldn’t keep up.”

Minseok coos and pats Jongin below the left eye with his fin. Minseok never learned the ‘no touching’ rule in pufferfish kindergarten, Sehun thinks.

“Little one!” Minseok squeaks. “Don’t worry. Yixing says the storm isn’t going to be that bad this time.”

“Yi...xing?” Jongin asks.

“He’s a friend,” Sehun says.

Minseok nods excitedly. “You know, for now, you could just stay with Sehun. He’s been pretty lonely since Soojung left, ‘cuz, well, yeah.”

Sehun reckons that Minseok’s never learned a thing about tact, either.

“Soo...jung?” Jongin asks.

“My, uh, mate. Ex-mate? She just suddenly stopped arriving. I don’t know,” Sehun is reddening again, but not because this is a high stress situation.

“Oh,” Jongin says.

Jongin ends up staying with Sehun. The next day, as Sehun idly sucks in food, Jongin swims circles around him. News of the storm hasn’t settled and has only spread. There are migrations. Sehun can’t do anything and neither can Jongin. Minseok is somewhere, with his school.

“What are you doing,” Sehun asks, bored yet slightly intrigued.

“I’m working out,” Jongin replies, wiggling his bad fin. “This stupid fin isn’t going to benefit me in the future.”

Sehun nods. He thinks it’s a little cute, but he wouldn’t ever admit it. Jongin keeps swimming around. Sehun is content.

Sometime during the night, Minseok comes around. Jongin startles awake at Minseok’s presence. Sehun remains asleep.

“Sorry,” Minseok says. “Did I scare you? I usually come to check up on Sehun at this time and I didn’t know if I had to do it today, but it seems he’s doing okay, are you taking care of him, is he okay, how is his pou-”

Jongin blinks sleepily and Minseok says, “Sorry. Rambling.”

“It’s okay,” Jongin says, swimming a circle around Minseok slowly. “I think he’s okay. He seems bored all the time.”

“Yeah,” Minseok shrugs. “He’s always like that, especially since Soojung left.”

“Oh,” Jongin says.

Minseok looks around, floating idly and glancing over at Sehun every so often. He and Jongin are silent for a while and then Minseok says, “You know, Sehun really liked Soojung. He was heartbroken when she left. I don’t think he ate anything for the first two or three days. I hope his babies are okay.”

Jongin stays silent, slowly swimming his way towards Sehun. Sehun is a Slender Seahorse. He’s red and Jongin thinks he’s a rather handsome seahorse. Minseok keeps talking.

“He would do everything for Soojung,” Minseok says. “Like, even hold her babies.”

Jongin does his best not to poke Sehun with his snout.

“It was a shame when she left,” Minseok says. “He was so happy all the time and now he just doesn’t care about anything about the babies. Which is okay, but it seems a little obsessive sometimes.”

Minseok keeps talking and Jongin hovers around Sehun, thinking, ‘A shame, indeed.’

The next morning, Jongin curls his tail around Sehun’s. Sehun blushes furiously and Jongin says, “Good morning.”

“Good morning,” Sehun responds, tail untethering from the coral and curling back around Jongin’s. “What are you doing.”

“You haven’t had a morning greeting in ages,” Jongin says. “According to Minseok, that is.”

“Yes,” Sehun says, quietly. “Why are you giving me one?”

“I just thought you would like one, is all,” Jongin shrugs and slides his tail over Sehun’s slowly.

Sehun avoids eye contact and says, “Yixing said the storm is going to be today.”

Sehun is soothed by Jongin’s tail over his. It’s true, he hasn’t had a morning greeting in a while, and this feels so nice, this affection in the early morning. Sehun had almost forgotten what it feels like.

“Oh, no,” Jongin says. His right fin flaps about violently and then he’s pulling away from Sehun. Sehun frowns. “What are we going to do?”

Sehun shrugs and floats back into the coral, lying down in it. “I don’t know.” He is a little upset at Jongin for pulling away. He decides he’ll be an asshole about it. “Can you leave me alone now?”

Jongin feels used. He nods and swims away, flapping over to Minseok.

On his way there, the water becomes darker and it becomes difficult to see. Jongin gets slightly worried and frantically swims to where he knows Minseok will be. Minseok happens to meet him halfway. Minseok is equally as panicked as Jongin is.

“What are we going to do?!” Minseok shouts. A wave rocks forward and Jongin almost floats away. Minseok lets out the most terrified shriek he’s ever let out. Jongin flaps his fins frantically.

Jongin screams, “But what about Sehun?! His babies!”

Another wave crashes and Jongin is sent into a deeper state of panic, swimming back to the coral where he knows Sehun stays. He uses all his might, his fins hitting the water at a rapid pace. He fights the current of the water and makes his way towards the coral. Minseok trails off somewhere, close behind.

Jongin catches sight of Sehun near the coral, fins in a frenzy as they try to swim back to the coral.

“Sehun!” Jongin shouts, flapping his way to Sehun. Sehun sees Jongin and tries to swim towards him, but another wave comes rolling through, bringing the both of them closer to the surface of the water. Jongin quickly does some damage control, using his snout to push Sehun back against the current. He tries to be gentle because of the babies in Sehun’s brooding pouch.

“Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god,” Sehun repeats, trying to move in the opposite direction of the water as Jongin pushes. Their fins are almost obsolete and Sehun is afraid of death.

Jongin is less afraid of his own death and more afraid of the possible scenario of Sehun dying from overexertion.

“It’s okay, it’ll be fine, we’re almost at the coral,” Jongin tries, soothing Sehun. They’re not almost at the coral but Jongin doesn’t think Sehun is going to check.

Sehun, at this point, is wailing, and Jongin just keeps pushing, snout guiding Sehun back. The waves are beginning to calm in the slightest and that just makes it all the easier for Jongin to move for the both of them.

“We’re almost there, we’re almost there,” Jongin says. This time, they really are near the coral.

Moments later, Jongin has Sehun in the coral, burrowed in its inner workings. Sehun looks tired. Jongin flutters about, making sure Sehun is okay. The waves have calmed by now.

Sehun’s tail comes up and it curls around Jongin’s. Jongin blinks, wondering if something is actually terribly wrong.

Instead, however, Sehun says, voice small, “Thank you.”

Jongin smiles, “It’s nothing.”

After the storm is over, Sehun has his babies. While it happens, Jongin shies away a little bit but watches from the edge of the coral. Once all the fry are expelled from Sehun’s pouch, Jongin swims up to Sehun and curls his tail around Sehun’s body. Sehun reciprocates and grins at Jongin.

Jongin stays with Sehun and they form their own herd after Jongin confesses hastily.

(But that’s a story for another day.)

a/n: this wasn't supposed to be so long..........
also this is part of a new series of fics i'm writing about exo in the animal kingdom!!!! look out for a giraffe!chansoo fic kkkkkkkkk

genre: general, fandom: exo, animal kingdom, pairing: sehun/kai, rating: pg, length: oneshot, under the sea

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