My last entry dates Yuya's birthday last year, two days before Jin'

Apr 24, 2009 09:15

Oh God, how I missed this place ;__;
I'm going to announce something...if you haven't read the other entry already ^-^;;

vani13 is going to be unlocked

:DDDDD? Starting tomorrow, I'll unlock everything...about posting again, I'm not sure. Probably not happening because I have my other journal now...and my other journal *coughs* Anyway! I'm sorry for causing everyone trouble, having to friend me to read the fics.
I'm totally and completely sorry m(_ _)m
All of you may know the reason why I did it but I'm hopeful that that guy won't come around to find this again after almost an year...and I haven't met him in the longest time too so I think it's safe.

If it isn't...well, I'm sure he'll love to read gay porn XD it has no link to me whatsoever in the profile now so meh~
I'll have to lock the personnal entries though X3

So~ you're all allowed to de-friend this journal to your own will~

Like I said, most likely I won't post here again unless I flail madly about something and I feel the need to post in both journals XD
Or maybe I'll start posting my fics here as well...who knows...or just linking to my other journal. That'd be a good idea X3

I was thinking about making this a memorial but I don't feel like it anymore. I'd have to play dead and I don't want to XD

That's it, guys~ I really miss the time when I started this journal and stuff. So many things changed, I changed and there are many things that changed for the worse *sighs*
There I go again complaining X3 STOP NOW, OK? Ok...
Still...I miss Yuya ;__;

Hm...Have a wonerful Friday, weekend and life j/k XD
See you all later in my new journal...? My writing spirit is back and I'm about to implode from holding my ideas in XD

Ciao~ *hugs people all over the world* ♥

And I still love the tag XD


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