Yuki-chan, Happy B-day!! *glomps* and dear JAPAAAN

May 17, 2008 15:14

Happy Birthday

Remember what I told you last time? Well,
was the best I could do XD

I made it only for you~ So no one steal it, ne? It's Yuki's :D

Now, I might as well take the chance to tell you all my plans *turns off emo music*
Thanks to everyone who wished me a recovery because I'm feeling much better \:D/
Anyway, what I want to say is I'll be going to Japan in July, the 25th \:D/
Yeah, you heard me...so anyone who's going and is still around at that time, wanna meet? I know many are going and then coming back home before I even arrive there ;___;

I'll be staying unil the 8th of August, but if I'm having fun and I get a flight later, I'll stay longer. The first 5 days, I'll be staying at some hotel either in Shinjuku or Shibuya, and the remaining days, I'll be staying @ the Sakura Hostel Asakusa *dies* I'll be going alone and staying alone but I'll be meeting at least 2 people for sure :D
Also, idk yet how I'm going to get the tickets but I'm going to at least one of the cons in Tokyo Dome, no matter what! Though it wasn't exactly the place I had in mind, I have no other choice...I'm only there in time for the Fukuoka cons and I'd have to ride the train for 5 hours and spend around 500USD to get there :/ I'm still considering it all, though.

Oh, btw, I'm flying to France and then to Japan XD OH GOD, WHY THAT AIRPORT? I HAVE SUCH A BAD EXPERIENCE WITH IT...I'M SO GOING TO GET LOST D: *coughs* let's hope not, ne~
But I'll only arrive to Japan on the 26th becuase until there, it's a looong way X3

Ok, I think that's it...


happy birthday!!!, random

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