Appointments Post

Mar 18, 2012 22:52

This post serves as the threading block for random interactions between Sylvia and other characters. It may be used anytime and anywhere, including on or off the journals.

Note: When making a new thread, please title the subject in the following format:

[Action, March 6th]
[Voice, June 3rd]
[Written, August 28th]

game: luceti, !out of character

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[Action, April 23rd] realityanchor April 27 2011, 06:51:31 UTC
[With the Great One's Festival done and packed up and everyone more or less settled back into their homes, it's time to get back in routine -- and that means patrolling with the city watch. It's another relatively uneventful sweep today, and everyone breaks to go back home. But before they can all slip away, Marica slings her bow over her shoulder and tracks down a certain member of the squad.]

U-Um, Sylvia? Do you have a moment?


[Action, April 23rd] vanhossen April 27 2011, 22:34:25 UTC
[Sylvia stops in her tracks when she hears the voice. She turns her head in its direction and offers a small smile when she recognizes the speaker.]

Marica. What is it?


[Action, April 23rd] realityanchor April 27 2011, 23:32:04 UTC
[Marica returns the smile, albeit more nervously.]

I wanted to ask you some... questions, if you weren't busy.


[Action, April 23rd] vanhossen April 27 2011, 23:47:07 UTC
[Then her smile fades, replaced by a mildly curious look.]

Ah. I have time. What are your questions?


[Action, April 23rd] realityanchor April 27 2011, 23:50:10 UTC
W-Well, I say questions, but maybe it's more like I'd appreciate your advice... concerning... boys.


[Action, April 23rd] vanhossen April 27 2011, 23:52:42 UTC
Advice concerning . . . ? I need you to be more specific, Marica.

[But she sort of gets it's something more personal, if her lowering her voice is any indication. It's boys they're talking about.]


[Action, April 23rd] realityanchor April 28 2011, 02:23:52 UTC
[She glances around, making sure that no one's within hearing distance before speaking again. Quietly.]

That's just it! I don't even know what to ask about. I've got a... date [it even sounds awkward], and I don't know what I'm supposed to do.


[Action, April 23rd] vanhossen April 28 2011, 04:57:43 UTC
[Sylvia nods slowly, eyes drifting to the side as she ponders what sort of advice to give. First things first -- ]

What is he like? Your date.


[Action, April 23rd] 1/2 realityanchor April 28 2011, 05:07:26 UTC
Hmm... [She crosses her arms and her gaze floats upward in thought.] Well, he's a little bit older than me... and he's mature, too. But he's not stuffy or anything. He's kind, and handsome, and has this calming air around him...


[Action, April 23rd] realityanchor April 28 2011, 05:08:39 UTC

A-Anyway, he's a nice guy!


[Action, April 23rd] vanhossen April 28 2011, 05:11:33 UTC
[There's the faint smile again as Sylvia takes all the information in.]

He sounds like a nice boy.

[Onto the important matter, however:]

Does he know how to fight?


[Action, April 23rd] realityanchor April 28 2011, 05:16:00 UTC
[What?] What? I... Well, he volunteers in the army sometimes.


[Action, April 23rd] vanhossen April 28 2011, 05:33:30 UTC
[Her answer is immediate, firm.]

Challenge him to a duel.


[Action, April 23rd] realityanchor April 28 2011, 05:36:05 UTC
Huh?! [Sylvia, you're the coolest chick she knows, but...!] How does that work?!


[Action, April 23rd] vanhossen April 28 2011, 06:08:13 UTC
Actions speak louder than words. Fighting is another form of communication; there are some things you can't put into words.


[Action, April 23rd] realityanchor April 28 2011, 06:43:36 UTC
[... Huh.] That... actually sounds really romantic.


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