This is an idea of what Velvet would have on her character sheet. Exact levels are not given but will be roleplayed appropriately.
Abilities, Disciplines, Merits and Flaws of Velvet Van Hawk.
Academics (Law)
Animal Ken (Canines)
Athletics (Running)
Cooking (Baking)
Crafts: Carpentry
Crafts: Sewing
Drive (Evasion)
Firearms (Two Gun Mojo)
Fortune-Telling (Palm Reading)
Law (Criminal Justice)
Linguistics: ASL
Linguistics: French Creole
Linguistics: Hungarian
Linguistics: Italian
Linguistics: Romany
Linguistics: Spanish
Lore: Anarch
Lore: Camarilla
Lore: Sabbat
Lore: Clan - Brujah
Lore: Clan - Gangrel
Lore: Garou
Lore: Gypsy
Lore: Kindred
Lore: Tribe - Silent Strider
Medicine (Midwivery)
Melee (Knives)
Occult (Ritual)
Performance: Guitar (Acoustic)
Performance: Singing (Blues)
Repair (Engines)
Security (Breaking and Entering)
Streetwise (Gangs)
Survival (Wilderness)
Feral Whispers - Allows the user to speak with and understand any animal. When the user speaks to the animal she must make the corresponding animal’s sound (i.e., barking at a dog, howling at a wolf, meowing at a cat).
Beckoning - Allows the user to call a specific type of animal to her provided she makes the corresponding animal’s sound.
Quell the Beast - Allows the user to calm a being’s inner beast and turmoil. This can be used to bring another vampire or werewolf out of frenzy, essentially making them nominally more docile for the rest of the evening. The use of Quell the Beast will bring a Garou out of Crinos form.
Heightened Senses- Allows the user to heighten any one or combination of her five senses to an above-average level.
Aura Perception - Allows the user to perceive the aura of a single being gaining insight into her mood, creature type, and she is being deceitful
Spirit’s Touch - Allows the user to touch an area or an object and gain insight into the strongest emotional scene tied to that area or object. The user essentially receives a vision of the most noteworthy thing to happen in that area or involving that object.
Allows the user to spend a point of blood to supernaturally enhance her speed. At lower levels (Alacrity, Swiftness), this usage is not considered a Breach of the Masquerade. All levels above Swiftness are considered obviously superhuman. Fleetness in particular is considered a gross manipulation of speed as the user becomes so fast that she is hardly visible by the naked eye, warping time and speed to her whims.
Alacrity - As per Laws of the Night: Revised (LotN:R)
Swiftness - As per LotN:R
Rapidity - As per LotN:R
Legerity - As per LotN:R
Fleetness - As per LotN:R
Command - Allows the user to give her victim a simple command which must be followed immediately. Examples include telling someone to Sleep, Sit, Come, Run, etc. This command cannot make the victim violate her nature.
Fortitude represents the Kindred’s supernatural ability to resist damage, giving them more health levels, a faster ability to heal, as well as the ability to ignore minimal damage. At higher levels, the Kindred may even heal aggravated damage caused by sunlight, fire, or warded weapons. A Kindred who has Aegis is nearly unstoppable as she may expend her personal willpower over her form to heal all damage sustained in a round even if that damage would have normally killed her.
Endurance - Allows the user to ignore all wound penalties normally inflicted by damage.
Mettle - Gives the user an extra health level above the normal.
Resilience - Allows the user to test Aggravated damage down to Lethal.
Resistance - Allows the user to test Lethal damage down to bruising, which is then halved and can be healed normally in combat. A trait does not need to be bid to negate bashing damage on a tie. You may attempt to test off staking damage only if you make the Resistance test before the simple tests for staking. If any damage remains after the successful staking test and after the Resistance test has been made, simple tests for staking are made as normal.
Aegis - By spending a Willpower or three physical traits, the user may completely negate any damage taken in a single round, even if that damage would normally have killed her. If the user has no more Willpower or physical traits, she may not blow Aegis. Aegis will prevent staking if declared prior to the two simple challenges.
Prowess - Allows the user to refresh all her strength related physical traits once a night. Automatically makes any damage dealt by the user into Lethal damage.
Might - This continues to represent the user’s increased strength.
Vigor - At this level the user begins to become capable of supernatural feats of strength, well above and beyond mortal capabilities.
Intensity - This continues to represent the user’s increased strength.
Puissance - At this level there are very few things outside the realm of the user’s strength. She can bend bars, overturn vehicles, and break bones at will. All attacks made by the user will deal an additional level of damage. However, this does make it more difficult to use melee weapons not specifically designed to handle the level of strength the wielder has, and any swords not Puissance Reinforced have a chance of breaking in her hands when used.
Awe - By using the force of her presence, the Kindred may make herself more noticeable to her victim, gaining her attention through seduction, intimidation, manipulation or whatever social trait used to activate the power.
Dread Gaze - By bearing her fangs and hissing at a victim, the user reveals her vampiric nature, effectively frightening the victim into fleeing for her life. The victim will not cease trying to escape until she has fled the area that the Kindred is in or until the user disappears. This is an obvious Breach of the Masquerade.
Entrancement - This forces the victim to act politely to the challenger. The victim does not have to perform any sort of action. If the victim already is politely disposed towards the Kindred, she immediately likes her challenger even more. However, if the victim hates the challenger, it will only make her neutral to the Kindred, not making her love the challenger.
Eyes of the Beast - By activating this power, the Kindred’s eyes begin to glow allowing her to see in even the most pitch black darkness. This will help her to see through Obtenebration, but will not completely override that discipline.
Feral Claws - By activating this power, wolf-like talons sprout from the Kindred’s fingers. These talons do Aggravated damage in the same way that a Kindred’s bite, sunlight or fire would do.
Earth Meld - By activating this power, the Kindred is able to sink into the earth (providing she is standing on it - you cannot earth meld through concrete). When in this form, the Kindred is in a state almost like torpor. She may not initiate or be subject to any challenges except that she may be summoned. While in this state, she may observe the area immediately above where she had entered the earth and around that point within a ten-foot radius. This lucid form of separate consciousness is the only difference in state from torpor. If the character is covered by a large rock or some other obstacle while in earth meld, she may not return until the obstacle is removed.
Shape of the Beast - This allows the user to turn into one of the fabled forms of the vampire: a wolf or a bat. However, many Kindred find that they do not actually turn into these stereotypical forms, but instead take on forms more befitting their heritage or that of their sire’s heritage. All items on the user are “consumed” into her form (within reason - clothing, yes; a backpack, no) when she shape shifts.
This EXTREMELY rare discipline is known only by the Arhimanes, an all-female bloodline of the Gangrel who are native to the Southeast United States. These Gangrel hold many of the same beliefs and ideals as their lupine sisters, the Black Furies. It should be noted that Velvet learned this discipline from a lover she had who was an Arhimane (and incidentally the Alpha of the Southeast): Esmeralda Los Lobos.
Speak with Spirits - The Arhimane can speak to nearby spirits for the duration of a scene. The communication is telepathic. Of course, this doesn't mean the spirits have to respond, but they are generally considered to be favorable to the user.
Summon Spirit Beasts - The Arhimane can call on the spirits of various animals to aid them. They will be predisposed to helping the caller, and follow simple telepathic commands. The spirits can take any actions they were capable of in normal life and may be considered to be more intelligent than an average beast. Depending upon the user’s success in calling the spirit, it will allow the spirit to stay corporeal longer. Normally this lasts only for a short amount of time (i.e., scene or an hour), but a truly devoted spirit can stay with the caster for up to a week. The spirits have the same number of Health levels they had in life and return to the spirit world if they are incapacitated.
Aspect of the Beast - The Arhimane can gain powers similar to those possessed by animals by calling on the spirit of that particular animal. This power costs blood to use. Below is a list of possible spirit powers.
Falcon's eye-The Arhimane can see distances.
Sounds of the Cricket-This grants the power to produce a grating, annoying sound loud enough to deafen those nearby for a few hours.
Swiftness of the Stag-The Arhimane can move at twice her normal speed.
Strength of the Bear-Gives 2 extra levels of strength.
Beaver's Bite-The Arhimane's bite is strong and sharp enough to cut through almost any substance.
Serpent's Venom-The Arhimane's bite transmit a venomous toxin that causes two Health level damage to living creatures per turn. The damage continues until toxin is removed or nullified or until the Arhimane's spirit power ends.
Chameleon's Colors-The Arhimane is capable of changing color to suit the environment.
Leapfrog-The ability to leap three times her normal height and distance.
Ears of the Hare-Can hear as well as a jackrabbit.
Nose of the Hound-The ability to track by scent.
Squirrel Balance-The Arhimane can move about in the branches and limbs of trees or across tightropes with little fear of falling.
Engling Fury - This power allows an Arhimane to use an animal spirit to replenish her Willpower. However, this destroys the spirit. Every success allows her to gain another point of Willpower.
The Wildebeest - The Arhimane has the power to take on a feral state, granting her special physical powers. She also takes on a more catlike appearance and animals react poorly to this shape. The change is automatic and raises strength, dexterity and stamina. Appearance goes to 0 and Manipulation is reduced. The vampire's claws and fangs cause extra damage. Smelling, hearing and night vision improve.
*******************Merits & Flaws*******************
Ambidextrous: Velvet grew up able to use both hands equally, a result of the fact that it is considered bad luck to be left handed in Romani society and many left handed Rom children are "taught" to be right handed.
Animal Affinity: This represents an unusual rapport with a certain type of animal, even overcoming the fact that most animals don't tend to like Kindred. In her case, her rapport is with canines, representing her Lupine Kinfolk heritage.
Bruiser: A bruiser is someone who is naturally more intimidating, either through their carriage or physical being, and is up on challenges involving intimidation.
Compassionate: When you fail Conscience tests, you can gain a free retest by expending a Willpower. The violation is treated as one level higher in the Hierarchy of Sins, however, and you must accept the results. You must have and keep a Morality of at least three to acquire and to use this Merit.
Early Riser: An early riser is not quite as bound by the Curse of Caine and is able to Rise at least an hour before the sun goes down when most Kindred are still sound asleep.
Eat Drink Food: Unlike most kindred, Velvet can imbibe in food and drink and manage to keep it down for a considerable amount of time. She will have to vomit it back up before the end of the night, but it does help to maintain the masquerade.
Jack-of-all-Trades: Exactly what it says. Allows the user to tap into basic knowledge of an ability she might not normally have on her sheet due to a wide variety of knowledge.
Light Sleeper: The Kindred in question sleeps much more lightly than her other vampiric brethren and can move about during the day without penalty. This does not mean she can walk in sunlight. It merely means she may be awake during daylight hours when most kindred are cursed to sleep.
Mystic Ability: Anyone bearing this merit may have visions into the future that come in the form of symbolism. They can be as dreams or waking visions.
Dangerous Secret: Velvet is a former kinfolk and the last remaining member of her Kumpania. If other Silent Striders realised that she was Kindred and one of their kin, they would most likely destroy her "out of kindness". Likewise, if it became known in Kindred society that she had intimate knowledge of the Garou, it would be used against her to aid in their destruction.
Intolerance - Abusers: After both of her sisters were married into abusve relationships, Velvet came to have little use for any person, man or woman, who would abuse another being. She will go out of her way to stop abuse if she knows about it, often to her detriment.
Lunacy: Her wolfish nature is tied closely to the moon's phases and during full moons it becomes harder for her to control her Beast, making her much more prone to frenzy.
Nightmares: Horrible nightmares plague her on occasion when she sleeps, making it difficult for her to press the visions from her mind the following night so that it's hard to concentrate once she rises.
Territorial: Again, as part of her kinfolk nature, Vivi is incredibly territorial and will attack those who enter her home uninvited or who threaten those she cares for. It's a bit of an Alpha complex.
Vulnerability to Silver: While most Cainites laugh off the myth that silver harms vampires, Vivi isn't laughing quite so much. Silver does aggravated damage to her should it pierce her skin, the same as fire or sunlight. She refuses to wear or touch the stuff and it makes her very uncomfortable, something that she can hide through an expenditure of willpower until she is away from the offending substance.
Ward: Vivi has two young daughters who are her wards. It is her job to take care of them, provide for them and keep them safe. If others found out that they belonged to her, it would put the children and herself in danger.
Additional Notes
+Due to her Silent Strider heritage and being raised in voodoo country, Vivi has a very strong respect for ghosts and the dead. She's had more run ins than she cares to recall with wraiths, spectres, spirits and ghosts and regards them with more than a little bit of fear and trepidation.
+Partly because she is Romani and because she was exposed to so many strange religions, rites and rituals in her life, Vivi is intensely superstitious. Shoes are always turned away from the bed, salt is thrown over the shoulder to account for any spilled, an iron horseshoe is hung over the door, etc. She has two tattoos of the protective eye of Fatima on her body (one on her shoulder, one on her palm) in order to protect her from the power of the Evil Eye. Being acutely aware that the supernatural exists has distinctly not helped these superstitious beliefs.
+Vivi is a religious woman and regularly attends mass on Sunday evenings. She will go so far as to assist at the church where she is a member, helping in the preparation of meals, watching children, and women's Bible study. Additionally she tends to wear a small gold cross on a chain around her neck and has a tattoo of a cross on one arm. She still believes in Gaia as a spirit of the Earth, but has more than a little bit of bitterness towards the mother of the Garou due to her not-so-great relations with the werewolves.
+She is an excellent cook and baker and had garnered some small amount of reputation for her skills in the southeast region making wedding cakes that earned her more than she'd make in a week as a bail bondsman. This is a fact that her boss, Jack, teases her about constantly.
+During her stead as Sheriff of Macon, Vivi gained some status within the Camarilla. Among Camarilla citizens she is known as being an *Acknowledged member of the sect as well as being *Brave, *Feared and *Respected. While serving as Sheriff she was also known as *Feared, although this was stripped of her when she was disgraced in the city and removed from her position.
+She has a number of tattoos. TwelveThirteen to be exact:
-"PANOS" across her right wrist in black ink
-A thin cross on the underside of her right forearm by the inside of her elbow
-A small red star on her right hand between her thumb and forefinger
-An intricate full color half-sleeve on her right upper arm and shoulder of a woman with long black hair blowing the winds around her arm. The woman’s face is on the back of her right shoulder blade.
-The number 23 on the back of her neck
-A small protective eye on her left shoulder blade
-“Ana” and “Clementine” tattooed on her right ribs
-The Anarchy “A” tattooed on her left ribs
-A twisted ourobouros of two snakes at the base of her spine, just above her backside (significantly lower than a tramp stamp would be)
-A nude angel with outstretched wings at the base of her stomach rising up from just above her pelvis
-A thirteen-spoked wheel over the flag of the gypsy nation on top of her right foot
-A large protective eye on the inside of her left palm
-A super realistic picture of a black widow spider on the left side of her neck, climbing up behind her ear. This is her newest tattoo.
+She has a myriad of scars all over her body, including burns, cuts, calluses and the like. The most notable scars, however, are a pair of bullet entry wounds over her breast bone and just below the left side of her solar plexus. Unfortunately, there is only one corresponding exit wound in her back. A small notch on her spine hints that one of the bullets is still lodged (probably quite painfully) in place.