The Horror in the Parka

Sep 02, 2010 00:39

Tonight I got to run another episode of The Oracle Society "Albatross". This time the group had to investigate a haunted yacht just outside of Boston. As they investigated they discovered the spirits were Inuit hunter-spirits which showed up as skeletons in traditional garb: ie parkas.

Okay, part of the reason for the adventure was that I thought having the PCs fight ghostly Eskimos in the middle of a real-life heat wave was funny. DM's are weird that way.

Actually this one was a relatively complicated tale of a adventurer-sailor who's illegitimate son (literally) decided that being ignored was very much not cool. So the son decided to steal something from the father's estate out of spite.
Unfortunately the son grabbed the one gem that was empowered with Inuit guardian spirits. So now the spirits are on a rampage, the kid is missing and the players are trying to figure out what the heck is going on. Oh, and telling the DM that no, blowing up the boat was a perfectly good response. ~sigh~

But the players did figure it all out, and in fact accomplished most of the research clues well before I expected them too. It was meant to be a combat-light adventure and it worked out surprisingly well.

Of course they did break into the son's apartment at 1am, causing him to flee down the fire escape in his pajamas. But besides that they did recover the gem and put the spirits to rest.

oracle society

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