Title: "Love, Eh?"
Author: Vangelynn
Rating: G
Genre: Dedication, Humor
Summary: Request from Cassey; fulfilled.
A/N: There you go, Cassey XD You ordered a humorous love poem so this is what you get. Although, I must admit I failed somewhat.
A/N2: AND FOR ALL THOSE LOVELIES WHO READ SERVING 5 I'm getting to it. I haven't forgotten about you, of course.
- Love, Eh? -
Love, eh?
What be it?
“When you see him
and he sees
And you get th-that feeling
Your cheeks redden for some reason.
And when his lovely rolling voice asks you
a question,
your mind goes blank because your heart is melting.
And you can’t bring yourself to say anything.
Oh, that’s love!”
Aye, love.
What be it?
“Good gosh!
It’s about time you asked.
(Hand me the carrots, will you?)
Love’s that thing that makes the children do their chores.
The thing that makes my husband do the dishes
when I tell him that I’m tired.
(Don’t touch that.)
It’s like bread.
It’s crusty in the outside
and warm and fluffy in the inside.”
Do tell me. What be it?
“When they do my bidding.
When I force them to learn how to march properly
and they learn it.
When they air out the house when I tell them to.
When I smack them for using bad grammar
and they accept it.
When they proclaim that I’m their king over and over again.
If I tell them to jump off a cliff
they would.
That’s love.”
Yes. Love.
What be it?
That’s the paper boy.”
Love? Yes, that.
What be it?
“It’s all the presents I get.
See that?
He gave this to me for my sixteenth birthday.
And this?
This is pure gold just for my nineteenth birthday.
Of course it wasn’t the same person.
Different guys.
Different love.
He showers me with special things everyday.
Gives me money on lonely days, so I can pick my own presents.
Gives me more
on holidays,
Love grows, you know?
It starts as chocolates,
then dolls,
Tell me. Love?
What be it?
“I’ll tell you tomorrow, Dear.”
………. Do you get a feeling when you’re around me?
“Yes, Dearest, repulse. You have bad breath.”
Am I like bread?
“Moldy outside and smelly inside. Yes.”
If I told you, would you jump off a cliff?
“Only if it was to save you, Dearie.”
Would you shower me with presents everyday?
“If it made you feel better, I would.
It’s late,
Good night.”
Good night.
Eh. Love.
That be it.