You know what, Chris? In all honesty, I think you are of the sort that will be successful no matter what endeavor he chooses--and that is because you and I both know that no matter what you end up doing, it's going to be because you truly want to do it. And once that is there, the drive and the passion will take charge and you will shape your own future. I know this sounds like bad self-help drivel, but it's something I've come to believe in my one point five years of college. Besides, if you go into a lucrative field that you dislike, the chances that you will move up the career ladder are minimal.
And you also do know that very few college graduates end up going into a career directly related to their major, right? Chances are, once you graduate, you will find something you really want to do, whether it involves directing, acting, or something completely unrelated. And you'll do it, and you'll be happy.
I went through a big chunk of my mid-youth crisis back a few years ago, and I talked to my cousin about it. Her basic opinion was, "Don't worry about it; worrying gets you nowhere. It will work out in the end." And although I dismissed her words as bullshit at the time, I now think that what she said really rings true. I mean, we can worry and complain and get into a general state of disarray over our futures, but in the end, what comes of them is what we make of them. And you will make yours just fine; just wait it out and see.
And you also do know that very few college graduates end up going into a career directly related to their major, right? Chances are, once you graduate, you will find something you really want to do, whether it involves directing, acting, or something completely unrelated. And you'll do it, and you'll be happy.
I went through a big chunk of my mid-youth crisis back a few years ago, and I talked to my cousin about it. Her basic opinion was, "Don't worry about it; worrying gets you nowhere. It will work out in the end." And although I dismissed her words as bullshit at the time, I now think that what she said really rings true. I mean, we can worry and complain and get into a general state of disarray over our futures, but in the end, what comes of them is what we make of them. And you will make yours just fine; just wait it out and see.
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