Erin's entry

Jun 22, 2002 00:52

Here you go erin a LJ entry from me to you (livejournal nazi). Anyways it has been a long time since i have updated my LJ. Work at Jason's Deli has been ok its work better than the soul-less people at MBNA america Bank. When the tips are good pay is good but if i don't take many deliveries on a slow night then i don't make much cash. Anyways if any of you are in the Frankford and Tollway area and feel generous please order up some food from Jason's Deli and give me a mucho grande tip I would be much obliged. Another cool thing is that i might be getting a pay raise soon since i am one of two drivers that can speak perfect english.

That's enough about work time to move on to more important things like the WORLD CUP. Many props to the US team. They played incredibly well and had an unforseeable run this world cup i think that by 2012 they are going to win or at least make it to the final because as many writers has said the US just HATES to lose. Now on to the team that has captured my favor this cup my native (ethnically) South Korea. You guys want to talk about heart watch those guys. EVERY game EVERY player gives it 150% effort. Those guys just go all out for their crowd their homeland and their pride. They are a country and a team that is out to prove itself. The US may not get respect but the koreans i think get less. I mean the US dominates in almost every other major sport in the world if they dont win it then they come pretty close to (summer and winter olympics). Well not every sport but in the world of sports, the US is definitely a giant. Korea well korea doesn't have much and this is their chance to shine and boy oh boy have they. I am gratefull that every prediction that aashish and tarang have made about the korea games have been wrong (no offense u guys are still my go to soccer/real football experts). I just hope that the upsets continue. Those guys run hard fast and long for the whole 90 plus some odd minutes each game and i think that each game so far korea has wanted the win just a little bit more than the other team. Hiddink that guy is a hero to the koreans. My brother said that he is like Stalin now....there are pictures of hiddink EVERYWHERE and there was a huge sign up after the italy game that said "Hiddink for President." Anyways my entire household eagerly awaits the kickoff time.

Hanging out with my cousins has been great. If you haven't heard already i introduced my 9 year old cousin (boy) to CS. He has really taken to the game and is forcing my aunt to buy him halflife this weekend so he can take it home and play. I know that many of you will frown upon this but until now, my brother and i are really unknown to most of our cousins. Since we hardly ever see them, and since they are young, they have little to no memory of us save one who is 12 and me and my brothers favorite. Anyways hes gotten pretty good over the last week or soand when he gets back to korea we can play each other and bond and so on.

Last weekend we went to Austin to show them the capital and UT. My relatives really liked both places but they really thought the UT campus was nice (which i don't but whatever). Of course, to be brutally honest my aunts did not go to austin to see it they went their to shop. After 15 minutes of touring the campus we proceeded to the Co-op to buy tshirts and other UT paraphanelia. I drove my civic there and back on one tank of gas, which is about 420 miles on about 11 gallons so i get some pretty good gas mileage for my little stick shift civic. When we got back we had a small birthday bash for my oldest aunt. My brother and I got her chocolates and scented candles (that's what my mom told us to get her). We also had this fantastic Chocolate on chocolate cake with more chocolate. It was VERY rich tasting but with enough milk it tasted great.

Since my brother and i sleep in on the weekend usually it has become a habit of the three youngest cousins (9, 8, and 5) to run into the room and whisper-dare each other into waking us up. Usually the sound of them running in and out several times is enough to wake me up so i always just wait til they are close and then i suddenly get up, scream, and chase them downstairs, my brother in fast persuit also yelling and running. My mom says that it wakes the dead but thats ok.

Today my brother and i took all my cousins to putt putt. We putted a bit where my 9 year old cousin whooped everyone at golf (my uncle apparantly taught him). They are also pretty good at DDR, which didn't surprise me too much since they live in Korea and all. After the putting and video games we went home and met up with my aunts and mom and dad to go eat. We went to Todai i had never been there. i now need to let out a public announcement. I HATE SUSHI. I think it is absolUTELY disgusting. Actually i generally dislike seafood but sushi is definitely at the top of my won't eat list. They had lots of other things though and i got to be pretty full. After that we went to walmart where my cousins and i almost got kicked out of the store like 3 times(never EVER have fights with those pool noodle floater thingies, the walmart people hate that). Also do not try to buy your little cousin the Super Soaker cxp 2100, especially if he had apparantly asked his mom earlier and she said no. That was funny because my dad thought it was funny but my aunt was not amused. Its not my fault though i told him that i would buy him a present and thats what he picked. I had no idea that he had already asked for it. In the end i assured him that i would either try to sneak buy it later or just send him one for his birthday. He happily conceded and we all went to the playground ball case where we tried to bounce as many balls as possible at once (the 6 of us got to about 17 i think until an employee told us to stop).

I have thoroughly enjoyed my cousins being here. My brother and i have been horrible influences but thats what makes it fun. I think my aunts understand that it is all in good fun and don't really do much (except the super soaker incident). I am sad since they are leaving in a week.

My grandma has been most excellent, always insisting that we have not eaten enough. She made us french fries for breakfast on monday (like the old days) much to my mom's chagrin. But hey thats what grandma's do they say yes when your parents say no.

I guess thats a long enough entry if anyone has any recomendations on how to sneak a huge super soaker into a 9 year old boy's bag wihtout his mom finding it please let me know.
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