Fan-fiction. Ginny/Hermione BDSM ficlet, "Lovely"

Dec 10, 2010 22:43


Hermione was starting the summer holiday before 8th year with a bang. She and Ginny were going to spend a week at her parents’ house packing before they came home from Australia. She wanted to be out of the house before they came home so they wouldn’t think she was going to live there. She had undone the memory spell and her parents now knew everything. However, they wanted to take a holiday since they were there so they let Hermione clean up their house and pack before they came home.

The thing was…Hermione wasn’t sure if she could pack everything up if Ginny was going to help her. Ginny, who looked like a goddess in a bathing suit was the same Ginny who was Ron’s baby sister and Hermione just loved them both so much. She knew she was going to spend the rest of her life living with Ron and having his kids, but since he had no problem with her having a “friends with benefits” relationship with Ginny, she wasn’t going to say no. And it was definitely fair since Ginny was sharing Harry with Ron. They all just needed some sense of weirdness in their lives and since the life-threatening part was over, they just found it in kinky sex.

So, when Ginny Apparated into Hermione’s home, the brunette was pleasantly surprised.

“Hi, Hermione. Did I startle you? I’m sorry if I did.” Ginny pushed her long fiery red hair across her bare, freckled shoulders, and Hermione’s breathing quickened.

“Yes, you did startle me! I wasn’t expecting you until after lunch. If you are sorry, then I think you should come over here and show me just how sorry you are.”

And that she did. Ginny crossed the distance between them and kissed her with as much vigor as she could muster in that tiny Quidditch-player body of hers. Soon, Hermione took control of the kiss and Ginny all but melted into her arms. Hermione’s hand soon made her way up Ginny’s thigh and under her dress. When she reached her core, she broke the kiss.

“Not wearing any panties today, are we Weasley?”

Ginny replied by stroking a finger up Hermione’s leg as well.

“I didn’t know you had lost yours also. It must be the Nargles,” Ginny answered with a smirk.

“Oh, you dirty little girl, what am I going to do with you?” When Ginny looked ready to answer her again, Hermione put a finger over her lips and said:

“And that was not meant for you to answer. If you want to avoid making me angry then I suggest you stop talking and show me some respect.”

It was a good thing that Ginny was okay with Hermione being the dominant one in their relationship. Hermione just had to be in control. They were all into BDSM and normally Ginny was Harry’s Dom and Hermione was Ron’s but when they switched partners Ron became Harry’s Dom and Hermione became Ginny’s.

“Accio Ginny’s wand.”

The wand flew into her hands and she put it down on the counter. She then placed her hand again under Ginny’s dress and started to stroke her clit. Ginny moaned at the touch and tried to lean towards her current lover, but Hermione held her steady and didn’t let her control the movements.

“You must to be patient today, pet. You’re a dirty little whore coming here in nothing but a sundress. Did you forget your bra too, maybe?” As Hermione whispered into Ginny’s ear, her other hand made it way up to the small of her back and then slowly further, finding that Ginny had indeed not worn a bra.

“What am I going to do with you? You show up here like a wanton slut and then dare to be cheeky with me. I must say this is unacceptable, Miss Weasley.”

With that, she withdrew both her hands in order to banish Ginny’s dress with a flick of her wand. Ginny squeaked at the sudden cold and blushed. She started covering herself up with her hands but Hermione bound her hands above her head with a spell.

“No, you don’t get to cover yourself up now. Wasn’t this what you planned? Getting naked as quick as possible?” As she talked, Hermione circled around Ginny like a predator. “Such a fine, firm arse you have. Maybe it would look a little bit better if it was a nice shade of pink. What do you think?”

When Ginny did not answer in fear of being punished for that, Hermione smacked her arse with her hand. Ginny gasped at the sting and then found herself getting wetter.

“You like that a little don’t you? And you can answer this time.”

“Yes, I like it, but it hurts so badly too,” Ginny stuttered fighting back the surprise of the smack and the pleasurable pain that was cursing through her.

“That’s good, because I think you have gathered about thirty-five for your attitude today. First, you show up here and startle me…that should be about 5 hits. Then, I find you have no underwear on which should cost you 15 hits, and then you give me cheek, which is another 5 and then you show impatience, which after the cheekiness gives you 10 hits. Don’t you think that’s fair? You may answer.”

“Yes, Mistress, that is quite fair. I am sorry for my behavior.” After Ginny was finished speaking, Hermione summoned a ball gag and then put it in Ginny’s mouth.

“I don’t want to hear you complain or apologize so I will gag you with this.” Then she started spanking Ginny in earnest. After thirty blows, someone knocked on the door. Neither Hermione nor Ginny heard it, both so lost in the activity they were engaging in. As they had forgotten to lock the door, the visitor just walked in.

“What a lovely shade of pink you have managed to put there, Hermione. But I thought we were going to go swimming in the pool? Well, it doesn’t matter, this is just as lovely.”

Hermione gaped at Luna as she stood in the doorway of the living room in shorts and a T-shirt, wearing a swimsuit underneath, smiling like she only did when she was talking about one of her unique creatures. Hermione peeked a glance at Ginny’s arse and decided that this time Luna was right; it was a lovely shade of pink.

Continued here. Lovely All Over Again

character: luna, warning: bdsm, pairing: ginny/hermione, kink: spanking, fan fiction, hot and sexy, my writing, rating: nc-17

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