And then, something of what's been loading up since Friday.

Oct 08, 2012 23:26

So, this is a post that I've been writing since Saturday morning. It's been building up, so I'm sorry for the length. But this way, I got it all out there, so my next post will be completely about why I had to scream. Also, this way this post can be public and the other flocked.

I made a tumblr for myself: I'm vanessawolfie there as well. I'll be posting my glee reactions there as well, and I want your opinions if you want them out of my livejournal posts. Maybe I'll do a poll sometimes in the next four weeks.

I tried to divide this post up, so it won't be long for all, but sorry about the length anyways.

I wrote this thing in class the other day. I was bored, because the teacher was only talking and while I was listening*, I didn‘t have anything to do with my hands or anything and I quickly get restless in situations like that. So, I wrote some poems, actually in Icelandic, since I was in Icelandic403.

Here‘s the Icelandic one:
[Icelandic version]

Í myrkri heimsins,

sit ég ein,

barin niður og sár.

Í dögun heimsins,

fer ég burt,

horfin, gleymd og grá.

Í ljósi heimsins,

fann ég þig,

blóm mitt og líf.

Í kvöldi heimsins,

missti ég allt,

ástina, heiminn og þig.

And here for the translated one: (Because I had to translate it for you guys didn‘t I?)

In the worlds darkness,

I sit alone,

Broken down and hurt.

In the worlds dawn,

I go away,

Forgotten, lost and grey.

In the worlds light,

I found you,

My flower and life.

In the worlds evening,

I lost everything,

Love, the world and you.

I‘m taking some liberties in the translation, since it‘s my poem, so those who understand both languages will see there are some slight changes, just so it flows well.

Btw- I sent this to the school‘s paper of sorts and they‘re printing it in their next copy. :D

*that I proved on the final exam from the book she was talking about, which I wrote in class Friday  and I believe I sometimes wrote down exactly what she‘d said in class.


I watched both Glee‘s 4x04 and Spn‘s 8x01 yesterday night with hildigunnur and I‘m just glad all the furniture and hildigunnurherself are unharmed after that. Then I rode the bus from her to my mom‘s place to go to a swimming practice this morning. I spent the ride writing my first reaction fic to 4x04 Glee: Explode. It’s kind of meta-ish and weird, but I had to get something out right then.

[Supernatural 8.01 Spoilers]


Oh, who else saw the Benny/Dean thing? (the whole of fandom, slash goggles man!) but really, what I saw was a Brokeback Mountain parallel. I don’t know how, I just did.

How hot was Dean this episode?! Both in and out of Purgatory, he’s so sexy. I don’t know about you, but that’s a mighty fine way to start a season for me.

Sam and Dean need to stop for a second (after they’ve saved the world) and figure out all the unresolved stupid stuff that’s going on between them. It just needs to be done. We can’t continue like this, with them being there just because they’re used to it. I mean, Sam didn’t even look for Dean. Doesn’t that tell us that their relationship has gone off the rails? Fix it WRITERS.

[Glee Spoilers for 4.04]


I’m actually going to play the episode and jump through it to see what I need to talk about here.

Rachel/Finn: Has anyone else noticed how they keep talking at each other? They’re conversations don’t sound like conversations, it sounds like two people talking, over each other and at each other, but never communicating like they should.

I love Rachel’s maturity in this though. That she seems to realise she can’t hold on to Finn anymore, because he can’t grow up with her by his side. Because she can’t keep holding back her life and letting him control it. And she can’t control his either.

Finn has always and will continue to bug me, but I’m saddened by the fact that he still seems to have a long road before he can actually grow up.

Rachel/Brody: I like them. I want them to get together, but I doubt it’s going to be easy now, with Rachel’s head so deeply sunk into her and Finn’s break-up. Although,  I guess, realistically, it was never going to be easy. I just wished it would be. I like Brody. hildigunnur says he has no personality when he’s not flirting with Rachel, which is kind of true, but I think that’s what Glee writers do with characters before they know where to take them. Just look at Blaine.

Will/Emma: Why is this pairing even in the show? And Will Schuester, get the hell out of my TV show!

Brittany/Santana: I liked this plotline. It was short and not really given much thought it seems, but I liked that Santana’s smart enough to realise that even though she’d maybe be able to stay in a long-distance relationship, it won’t do her or Brittany any favours. They’ll just be miserable, guilty every time they so much as think of sex or get horny when they’re away from each other and it’d all end badly. Plus, Santana’s finding her ground, her life is busy and she can’t be there for Brittany to protect her, so Brittany needs to grow up.

Marley/Jake: They could be cute, but it’s like they’re just reading the phonebook or something. It looks like they’re bored and I’m bored. I hope they get more charisma if they’re supposed to be a story line. I think Jake is hot, but I kind of hate Marley, so here’s for hoping that whomever they’ll decide to bring in next, (because yeah Ryan Murphy, I can count, and there are NOT 12 members in the Glee club these days.), is a cute girl with more of an attitude and life than Marley and will be Jake’s girlfriend in the future.

Or hey, they can make Jake come out of the closet, like a parallel with Santana’s old plot-line and he can have a hot new BOYFRIEND. And don’t deny it, you laughed at this, then imagined it, and then started nodding unconsciously. (because Jake with a hot guy kissing him? Yeah, I’d die too.)

Kurt: Kurt’s busy, and really, I get that (yes, I’m quoting Blaine as I go here. What?! Sue me!), but he really needs to stop sometimes and think about the people he loves. I know it’s hard, believe me, and No this is not me blaming him for anything, this is me starting at the beginning of the episode and also, SAYING something about the episode before this, 4x03. He’s not listening to his boyfriend and I’m left to realise he’s the type of person to get so caught up in his amazing world, that he doesn’t remember the ones from his old life.

For example, let’s look at how he leaves everything behind, including his best friend Mercedes, when he’s off for fairytale land: first stop, falling in love with Blaine Anderson. He also leaves his dad behind and I could go on and on.

All this is understandable behaviour from a teenage boy, even a young man like Kurt is now. He’s allowed to be so happy he’s blind to others, but it’s not a good thing. He needs to learn how to find the golden middle way in this, because, he might just drive all his old friends away each time he find new ones.

This is what fandom needs to remember.

Blaine: I’m kind of left hoping this is rock bottom for Blaine, but somehow, I doubt it. It’s him finally falling over the edge and now comes the pain and uncertainty of falling and then the issue of actually hitting rock bottom.

However, I think that what Blaine did here, was a human and young thing to do. It’s a mistake, who doesn’t make them? It’s a bad thing to do, but he was also in a bad place.

I think I’m going to stop about Blaine now, and do another post later, when I’m more awake about this. I have four weeks after all.

Blaine/Kurt: I’m not even sure where to start here. I believe this was the drama we needed. Would it have worked with something else? Would you have bought it if they fought over something else? And stayed mad for more than half an episode? Because that’s the growth we needed. We needed them to do something interesting and tell me we’ve not proven that this is something interesting by all the reaction this episode is getting.

the most horrible thing here is that I remember I was going to add something to this, but I don't remember what. I hope it will come to me.

rambling, tv : glee, glee: reaction, normal stuff, character: blaine anderson, my aunt who has ruined my life

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