100 things challenge,

May 15, 2012 16:16

{Take the 100 Things challenge!}

Okay, so I'm gonna do this challenge. My topic is going to be really random. I'm going to take 100 icons, and I'm not promising they're all going to be icons I have as userpics, but they're all going to be some I like/love. (I'll always credit the icon makers don't worry)

Then I'll make a short/long entry about my thoughts about it. Some might be like... directly connected to the text in the icon, or the photos use for them, but some are going to seem completely random to some of you. I might post an icon which features the glee club sitting in a circle, and has the text 'family' and I might start gushing about how this movie I watched last night completely fucked my views on family. I mean, there are going to be connections, but sometimes, it's not going to be what you think.

I don't know if any of you are going to take interest in it, some of you might want to just filter it out of your flists, but I want to do this for me.

I foresee some of the entries to be flocked, but some public, depending on how personal each one gets.

rambling, 100 things, icons-talking, what the hell did i smoke?

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