Fic: The times Blaine got courage from Kurt (part 1), glee, Hildigunnur's Xmas gift.

Jan 01, 2012 22:00

Title The times Blaine got courage from Kurt. (Part 1)
Author vanessawolfie
Beta bleedforyou1 THANKS SO MUCH GIRL.
Recipient hildigunnur
Character/Pairing Kurt/Blaine, KLAINE. Also, parents and Finn.
Prompt Blaine's parents aren't as accepting as they should be and Kurt cuddles Blaine.
Rating PG-13
Word Count 828
Warnings/Kinks Some homophobia and following angst. Still it's Klaine so....
Disclaimer don't own glee or there would be Klaine and Santana. Nothing else.
Author note Okay. So, as I said to hildigunnur when she prompted me with this, she opened a can of worms I had been avoiding. However, it seems to have been just the right thing for me. This is the longest plotty thing I've written in over a month, maybe months, so I'm glad. I'll post the 2 other parts sometime in the next few days, but this can also just stand alone. The other ones are just .... more in this .. universe.

Lying on Blaine’s bed the next morning, around nine A.M., Kurt thought back on last night’s show.

Blaine was in the shower and when he came back in, wearing only sweatpants, Kurt motioned him to get on the bed. Before he started speaking, Kurt propped himself up on his elbow, to look over at Blaine. It isn’t even funny how much I love him, Kurt thought.

“I don’t think I saw your parents at the show last night.” Kurt saw Blaine pale a bit and thought about backing down, but if it was something that was bothering Blaine, Kurt wanted to know, to see if he could fix it.

“Yeah, they won’t come to my performances anymore. Besides they’re out of town.”

It was clear to Kurt that there was more to it than that, but he wasn’t sure why Blaine made it seem so unimportant. Kurt experienced a brief moment of panic as the thought occurred to him that maybe Blaine just didn’t want to tell him. He pushed it down, not wanting to doubt their relationship and honesty without proof. Carefully, he draped his arm around Blaine’s waist and tugged him closer.

“Blaine, I’m not going to push it right now if you don’t want to, but still, you’ve got to tell me more than that at some point.” Kurt said, drawing soothing circles on Blaine’s back.

To Kurt’s surprise, Blaine tensed up a bit and it seemed like he was about to pull away and stand up. He didn’t though, but he looked really uncomfortable.

“It all started when we did Candles at Regionals. I mean, of course it kind of started when I came out to my parents, but still, they never really had a problem with me performing until Candles.”
Kurt frowned, taking his arm back and Blaine hurried to continue.

“Kurt, I won’t ever regret that duet. I know you do sometimes, because we lost, but I never will. It brought me to you and that will always be a good thing. The thing is, my parents, especially my dad, they don’t see it that way. My dad, well, he’s not as accepting as yours, Kurt. He seems to think I can be cured, or turned back to normal or something. Or, he thought so before.” Blaine sighed, looking away from Kurt’s face, staring at the wall behind him instead.

“I told them I would be singing a duet with you and while I hadn’t told them I was dating you yet, I think it was clear by the way I was talking about you.”
Kurt could hear the wonder in Blaine’s voice and figured that whatever was wrong; it was not about their relationship directly. Blaine adored him and loved him and that hadn’t and wouldn’t change.

“Dad came to the conclusion that music was helping my ‘problem’, encouraging me to be gay. I couldn’t believe it until they didn’t show up to see me sing. I tried to talk to him, make him see that it was just as normal for me to be with you as it was for him to be with Mom, but he just … Anyway, he doesn’t really talk to me anymore, we’ve fought about it enough that he knows I won’t back down, just as I know he won’t either.”

Kurt sighed, resting his arm over Blaine’s waist again.

“I’m so sorry, Blaine. I wish I could make it better. Why haven’t you said anything?” Kurt was dying to know that, because normally, they were each other’s go-to person with problems and feelings.

“I … I didn’t want you to think anything bad about my father I think, or doubt that you were the right thing for me, because he was causing trouble. I mean, I love you and you’re everything I want, Kurt. I don’t think there’s anything better than how I feel when I’m with you. I didn’t want to ruin that by talking about this. I’m sorry for keeping it to myself, I should’ve told you,” Blaine said, looking guilty and tired.

Kurt guessed that Blaine had an understandable reason for not saying anything. He also knew the last few days had been anything but easy on Blaine. The whole thing with Sebastian and the guilt Kurt knew had filled Blaine after Wednesday night. Then there was the stress of the opening night for West Side Story and the … other first that had happened yesterday.

“Scoot closer, I’m thinking we don’t need to get up from this bed for another few hours and you could use the rest. I’m going to have Rachel on my ass if I don’t get her co-star the rest he needs.”

Blaine smiled, leaning in for a kiss, which gave Kurt the opportunity to drag him closer still and pull the covers over them. He supposed they cuddled while he waited for Blaine to fall asleep again, but even he wouldn’t admit that out loud.


fanfiction: glee, genre : general, lj friend: bleedforyou1, x-mas, my aunt who has ruined my life, type: ficlet, genre : angst, gifts, genre : fluff, rating: pg-13, pairing: kurt/blaine

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