Title: Nick Jonas and the Tri-Wizard Dilemma
vanessatolins Chapter One,
Chapter Two,
Chapter Three,
Chapter Four,
Chapter Five,
Chapter Six,
Chapter Seven,
Chapter Eight,
Chapter Nine,
Chapter TenPairing: Joick
The sound of feet moving at a swift pace, almost a run, drew his attention and he saw a girl with brown hair and Slytherin robes turn the corner. Ugh, Miley…they’d dated, it had ended badly because she'd gotten jealous he spent so much time with Joe and they’d never spoken again. If she’d seen and figured out what he and Joe had been doing, he was so done for. He was willing to bet that by the time they got to the Great Hall the entire school would know.
Joe sat up and helped Nick to do the same, “Dude…why did we just…?”
Nick shrugged and really thought about it. Why had they just started dry-humping randomly? It was like he hadn’t been able to control himself, as if Joe hadn’t had any control in the situation, either. Usually they were better than that, they had to be. “I don’t know…I mean,” he blushed. He’d definitely wanted to…but to have actually done it was an entirely different story.
“I know,” Joe said quietly as if he’d read Nick’s mind and stood up shakily. Nick took the offered hand and looked around cautiously. Everyone aside from Sterling and Demi were still there, and he hoped the other two weren’t too freaked out. “So…” Joe said a bit awkwardly and David raised his eyebrows curiously, obviously waiting for an explanation. “I’m gonna go change before dinner…” Joe added and turned to walk back the way they’d come from, hand attached to Nick’s elbow to pull him along.
“See you later…” Nick waved cheerfully, endorphins still swimming through his system making him giddy to the point where he figured they could sort this out and explain to their friends later. And if Miley had told the rest of the school? Well, he’d burn that bridge when he got to it.
They both showered and dressed once more before heading down to the Great Hall together. Their friends that were in Gyffindor waved them over and had apparently saved them seats which they took gratefully, and no one mentioned what had happened in the hallway earlier. Nick took it as a blessing and when the food was served he busied himself with eating. “Hey, little J…” David said and leaned in close. “Whatever it was before, I’m sure there’s a reason be it magical or just physical. Puberty makes you do the weirdest things…trust me, I know.”
He didn’t say anything back because he was still too embarrassed and felt like his face was on fire. It had to be as red as the tomato he put in his mouth, and it only got worse each time he looked at Joe and saw the reddish-purple bruise on the side of that slender neck - a perfect marking of imperfect teeth; his mark on Joe. They didn’t touch as much, didn’t cuddle, they couldn’t afford the luxury tonight or the risk of letting their friends know it had been more than a weird occurrence. Joe was busy talking to some girl a year older than Nick and somehow, miraculously, it looked like Miley hadn’t told anyone. Yet. She was the type to hold a grudge and she definitely might use it as blackmail at some point in the future, but as far as Nick was concerned tonight he could breathe a little bit easier.
It wasn’t until the desserts dissipated and everyone was relaxed and cheerful that McGonegall stood and the Tri-Wizard Cup was brought in for the ceremony. “Well,” she said carefully, “I suppose this is the moment you’ve all been waiting for all day…all year so far. I want to impress upon you the gravity of the situation and what the Tournament represents once again. Those of you old enough have all heard this before.” Nick knew this was true, Joe had come back one day late from class and gone on and on and on about McGonegall’s lecture. Even when he’d told her he wasn’t planning on entering, she’d made him stay for it, anyway. “People have died in this Tournament so I ask you to please treat each Champion with respect no matter which house, or school, they belong to. Now, if your name is called please make your way to the door behind the staff table. Thank you.”
As if on cue, the Cup’s blue flames turned orange and licked out toward her, a charred piece of paper riding as if the flames were the surf rather than fire. She plucked it and said, “The Durmstrang Champion will be Kristopher Viemann.” Kristopher made his way to the back room amidst scattered applause and it was a few more short moments that felt like they dragged for eternity before the Beauxbaton’s Champion was selected and it was “Chelsea Staub.” He blinked and clapped a bit louder as he realized this was Sel’s Chelsea and his friend was positively beaming in her seat. Well, Sel was dating a Champion, go Sel… He watched the blonde hair disappear behind the door and turned to face McGonegall again.
If he’d thought the wait between Durmstrang and Beauxbaton’s had been long, this felt longer when finally the Cup proffered another name and McGonegall read it out steadily. “The Hogwarts Champion will be…Joseph Jonas.” Joe’s jaw dropped, Nick’s eyes widened considerably and everyone in their circle of friends stared at Joe with very confused expressions on their faces Nick didn’t blame them for one bit. How could Joe do this to him? He’d promised! Nick slumped in his seat a bit and scooted further away from his brother.
“You should get going before she gets mad…” Nick said, sulking, unable to help the pout on his lips or the way his arms crossed huffily across his chest. “Then again, making people mad is obviously not something you’re afraid of.” He hated that he felt like crying and he shoved at Joe’s side hard enough to make it hurt. Joe winced and McGonegall called his name again.
“Nick…I really, I don’t know how…this is all some kind of mistake!” But McGonegall called his name again and made it clear she saw him and his antics weren’t appreciated so with a last pained look in Nick’s direction, Joe made his way to the back room.
Chapter Twelve