for Bowie, though LJ on iPad is not so friendly

Nov 06, 2011 21:28

Hotch Rocket
Vanessa S. Quest
Rated NC17 or M I guess.
Please R & R but the formatting is due to LJ on iPad being unpleasant and no lj cut function showing in my viewer, sorry!
Hotch/Reid, and ep tag for Epilogue. 7.07

"Coming at you faster than a Hotch rocket." Garcia had said, the sheer look of panic would've been priceless but Hotch knew she got that line from somewhere. He probably even deserved it, but he knew he still had to address that issue.

He gave Reid a cursory glance over. The genius was smart to evade eye contact as he suddenly found JJ and Rossi's company exceptional. He interjected in the middle of their conversation as if he had been a part of it for it's duration, whatever the hell Guitar Hero was.

It was decided that the conversation between Hotch and Reid would have to come later. He wasn't about to let Reid off the hook though, and he had let him know surreptitiously when he had placed his phone down between Reid and JJ while Garcia sprang forth information, the casual look he shot Reid was enough to make the younger man realize the man was on to him, so he deftly defected the attention and realized Hotch would be a visitor in his hotel room that night.

Reid was, per the norm, a genius and absolutely correct in his assumption. He hadn't; however, expected to see Hotch in his hotel room when he emerged from the shower. If he had, he'd have chained the door and brought his clothes in with him.

How was he supposed to handle this? His boss, a man who he had respected for years- years, suddenly flipped some switch and confessed his love to him at his apartment. Quantitatively he knew Hotch had known where he lived, but unlike Garcia, or Morgan, or Rossi... Hell Prentiss and JJ too were guilty of it, he didn't invite people over. He didn't do Clue Night once a month. he sure as hell didn't have play dates or cook for the others, and Prentiss only really tended to invite the girls over from shopping anyway, he didn't though. He wasn't that sort, so Hotch just there for no real invited cause had been unnerving. At first he wondered if there had been a death and this was some notification... But no one would have kept him in the dark long enough to get to his home, and Dr. Norman would have called him directly.

So if that wasn't it, Hotch was there for other reasons. The strong look, the gleam in his eyes, he had no idea what that was about, but he swallowed back and invited Hotch in then. He couldn't say if it was a mistake or not, he was still unable to get his mind around it.

He never thought the man would be the type to do a one night stand... And that was what it was, wasn't it? After all, what the hell else COULD it be?

In the hotel room, here and now, he suspected it was something more to Hotch than that. He just... wasn't sure why.



Niceties out of the way, Hotch was fast to corner the naked man with a loose towel coupled at his hip.

Reid's eyes went wide, "Hotch, what are you doing? We're on a case... even if we weren't... What the hell do you think you're doing?!"

"Why, Dr. Reid are you so unfamiliar with the concept of sex?"

Reid sent Hotch a cold glare. Hotch smiled cheekily back, "I should explain myself better, I should and I should have explained it that first time two weeks ago too... But I..."

"Was lonely and desperate so I looked the other way as your friend."

"I was desperate for you, Reid. Spencer you have to believe me I did that with you because it had to be you. Has to be you."

Reid stared, dumbfounded.

"Spencer, I love you."

"You have one hell of a way showing it!" He fumed, cheeks pink in embarrassment as he recalled how he had been shown.

Hotch was at his door when he had willingly invited him in, once the door was open and invitation in the air, Hotch had come in, Reid had closed the door, as he was facing it, he had locked it. He had done so because he knew that was what was expected of him, they all locked their doors to keep danger out for at least a few moments.

When he turned around, the danger was already on him, Hotch's lips pressed hard to his yet the kiss was the sweetest he had ever experienced, his eyes had went wide. Hotch wasn't the sort to joke about this kind of thing, then he felt fingers rake through his hair. He blinked back a few times in shock as their lips continued to press together, their bodies were pressed tight too as Hotch danced them further into his home and against the wall in the kitchen. A hand explored his crotch, the kisses unrelenting and never gave him a chance to speak as Hotch worked him up to a full erection.

"I have to know you want this too, Spencer, tell me if you don't want me to stop." Hotch said, finally giving Reid the chance to speak with a tongue not his own no longer down his mouth.

"Some hell of a stop point don't you think!" Reid hissed, his eyes were half hooded with want NOW, whether it would have been without all the manual stimulation he couldn't say. This was Hotch, this was his boss, this was the man he respected and trusted with his life and secrets... And this was, well getting out of hand quickly. He felt hot, a hot palm press into his sac and rub, he let out a groan of want. "Finish up..."

What he meant, even Reid was unsure of, but Hotch took it as the go signal and did, he fished Reid from his own pants pressed to the wall, wondering what the fuck had snapped in his boss as he worked him to a fast pace. He felt something even hotter than Hotch's hand join his painfully hard member. He had... never quite experienced this sort of thing before.

Hotch's erect member pressed to his as the older man's large hand stroked them both. Reid bit out a short grunt as his face instinctively tightened as he climaxed. His semen pooled over Hotch's hand and hard member, then he was nudged.

Eyes wide, Reid felt his body get turned around, his belly pressed to the counter. "Woah now, wait just a..."

Hotch laid sweet kisses on his neck, his ear, his jaw. It wasn't an experience he was even remotely familiar with, it baffled him to say the least. Hotch reached into his pocket and pulled out some lotion. He lowered Reid's pants further, the younger man would have sworn he had trained to be so well adept, so smooth at this...

This... What the hell was this? He couldn't deny his own desire for it at the moment but where the hell had this come from? It was a meeting of two bodies that had gone untouched for far too long, but even still, Reid just wasn't the sort to fuck someone so casually let alone his boss. His fucking boss.


He winced as fingers slipped in and stretched him, oh it had been too damn long since he last felt this way, had he ever let this way? The awkwardness, the shame of being brought to it so fast though, so unexpectedly... But Hotch was amazing. Fingers pulled out as his hot cock slid in with a bit more effort and lube.

"I'll fill you up with both of our seed..." Came the erotic whisper. Reid's face turned flush red. A palm stroked over his nipples through his shirt and he let out a panted moan. A skilled tongue trailed his neck, his ear, soft nips and kisses followed the tastes as Hotch thrusted wildly.

It was the best sex he had had in a long, long time, but he still had no idea why the hell this was even happening. Hotch could easily get any number of women so why him, why a male subordinate for crying out loud?! Hotch came as Reid's mind pondered possibilities. When the man pulled out Reid turned to glare.

"Get out." There was no venom or barb, but it stung to hear, Hotch had steeled himself for possible rejection but he thought he could convey it if given more time... "Now, Hotch, leave."

He did as was requested, but not in surrender. Clearly Spencer had some thinking to do, himself.

That was what brought him to the hotel room two weeks later, the man had time to think, now it was his time to answer.

"How much did you tell Garcia anyway?"

"Like you have any say in what I had the right to tell her." Spencer bristled. "...I... told her it was a dream though, she doesn't know it really happened. Of course, now she thinks I have a crush for you or something."

Hotch smiled, "Do you?"

Reid's face stiffened, "Absolutely not. You are my boss. I have never thought of you in that way."

He flinched, had that been the wrong thing to say? He thought this was the iron out the details to a one night stand conversation, had he gotten the wrong memo?

"I did things backwards, Spencer, I've loved you for years, I... I just couldn't keep it to myself anymore. Please don't tell me you don't feel anything between us?"

"This is out of the blue for me!" Reid grabbed a pair of pajama pants, he was unthrilled to be naked at the moment. "You were straight, married... You have a kid, of course I never entertained that sort of thought about you and suddenly you switch on some charm and I'm supposed to have these feelings for you? You weren't bad... you were actually really good, but... I thought that was a one night only thing, you didn't explain it, not the next day so I got over it... Now you want something more? What the hell am I supposed to say? To think?"

"Can't you just give this a chance? I really do love you, and you said it yourself, the sex was good. I can make it better for you. You haven't been active in a while, how many years? I can end that dry spell, and if during that you start to feel something for me too..."

Reid shook his head, "You would be with me if I was only with you for the sex? What are you, a glutton for punishment?"

"If it means I can be with you even for a little while, you can think of me that way."

"You're risking your JOB, my job... What has gotten into you?"

"You're worth the risk."

Reid it his bottom lip, he couldn't readily recall ever being told that before... And to be wanted? Pursued? He had to say it felt amazing, the thrill of his racing heart... "We end it if I say so, no questions, it stops. No calling me in for review... No showing up at my door unannounced, no political games, I say we're done and we're done. If you can't agree, get the hell out of my hotel room now."

"And if I do agreed...?"

"Then you better strip quick because I'm going to bed."


hotch/reid, criminal minds fanfic, fan fiction

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