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Oct 12, 2011 23:35

R is for Reciprocity prompt by icicle_rose

Equality and reciprocity are not the same beast nor intention. Neither man could look at the other and claim true equality, one would always insist the better half somehow held a higher pedestal, more potential, a greatness that their own self could not reach.

But that very argument, the same argument despite how words would vary to deflect, led each man to his own realization.

Spencer, curled under Aaron’s protective arm as he laid there in the middle of the night wary of just how unfair it seemed to bind this man to him- to his damage- looked at his lover. He had secretly yearned to catch a glimpse of a rested face, in the throes of a beautiful dream. Instead he found eyes in search of their own impossible answers.

Aaron brushed down a particularly defiant lock of Spencer’s hair that refused to go with the grain, he knew it was futile, but the effort in itself was affection, therefore that argument itself was invalid, for clearly- affections truly offered were not done so with motives that could be corrupted beyond contact which is exactly what he gained by it.

“I love you.” Spencer said, it was faint, almost silent, a whisper even to a whisper’s ear, but Aaron knew what he said, he was more practiced at reading lips than he let on.

He leaned in and kissed the younger man, happy to find his pliant lips willing to reciprocate. He truly loved that feeling of being in love with the man who loved him back so fully.

“To love someone is nothing, to be loved by someone is something, but to be loved by the one you love is everything” -Anonymous.

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